II have seen a lot of references about Movement Specialists. I have a consultant but have never been offered a Movement specialist. Sorry if I have not got the name right. I have a tremor and wondered whether I would benefit from the services given by a Movement specialist?
What is a Movement Specialist?: II have... - Cure Parkinson's
What is a Movement Specialist?

Basically a neurologist that is knowlegeable about Parkinson's Disease and related other diseases. You get to spend maybe 5 minutes with him or her and tell about your latest problems. Then they wip out their prescription pad and try to adjust your meds according to what is going on with you. At least that is the way it has gone for me with 3 Movement Disorder Specialist I have had over the last 10 years!
Are you in the UK? In the USA they have general neurologists, stroke, migraines, brain, etc ... And a sub specialty of movement disorder neurologists that have more expertise in PD and other movement disorders.
hi court
i thought a movement specialist was to help with moving - i.e if you cant move too well.... - or if you have a lot of falls etc
Hi Sharon, still posting I see & most welcome. You amaze me with your resilience! I think the 'movement' bit relates to how messages from our brains pass through the nervous system to muscles, joints etc. Naturally this assumes we have a brain which I often doubt in my own case until remember them finding one through an MRI scan during a trial.
hi angie yes i am still posting but i am not doing as well as i could ..be ..... I have dreadful pain and burning in my calves and feet they booth feel like they are stuffed with marbles My dr said ai should walk more ! But ia am not able to so what now ?
Sharon, it's at times like these when the professionals who have not experienced our symptoms fall back on 'perceived wisdom' or 'custom & practice'. When I am not certain that I have all the information to make sound recommendations on any issue I lose confidence (yes it does happen!!!). When we lose confidence we develop strategies to mask this such as bluster, paternalism or even sarcasm. However there are some behaviours which are picked up subconsciously & even certain physical
manifestations such as the release of pheromones.
Since the damage to my lower back from a fall I'm experiencing the same symptoms as you so eloquently describe. Perhaps the medics & gym junkies should try even to stand in a bag of marbles - let alone walk. So sorry you are not up to par, yet as usual you find time to share your highs & lows with us. Please don't stop.
hi SUE
i seea movement disorders consultant at his clinic in WALTon hosptial
he si dr steiger ( i think he is good !)
i paid to see him originally as i was not gettign any diagnosis with the Dr i WAS seeign at walton
and he dr steiger dxd th PSP within 30 mins of the consultation
I saw him again and now ssee him on the NHS
The clinic is alwaay sv busy and he deals with 100s of PARKINSONS AND OTHER PATIENTS
i see him every 8 months now and he is just keepign an eye on things
I see my Movement Specialist every four months and each time he checks how I have been and makes adjustments to my meds. If I tell him of new problems I am having he will send me for test for these as well. He keeps on top of what is going on with me and if a bad probleem comes up I can call him either at the Clinic or even at his home if real bad.
Apparently PD is a movement disorder, I was told this by the Neurologist that dx my husband
His expertise was in PD, Movement Disorder, Dementia, I searched for a Neuro with this expertise on line, as I didn't want to wait 3months for NHS appointment with a Neuro who was not an expert in this field. Had to go private, and travel a long way, but was worth every penny. We see him again mid April.
Court have you checked on line what your neuro specialises in?
Hi Sue, been wallowing in falls & resulting pain/self-pity for a while but I'm pleased to be catching up now. Our consultants appear to have followed similar career paths:mine is also a gerontologist with a special interest in PD. He has looked after me for ten years now including setting me & my husband Richard on taking part in trials. I'm dreading him retiring later this year.. But hey there's an army of of keen young doctors just looking for PwP to practice on.
Hi Angie. Lovely to hear from you. Sorry You have been having such a bad time. I feel my Parkinsons is progressing, particularly in regard to my balance. But I will have to try and run (only joking) faster to keep ahead of it. It is really strange on HU at the moment. All these old posts keep turning up and people are posting things that should not be allowed. It is worrying how these people gain access to the Site. My Consultant is so caring. I am lucky to have her. I am having a lot of pain, not Parkinson related, and she has been so helpful. It would appear that my discs are crumbling and nothing can be done to stop this. Ain't life wonderful?