My movement disorder specialist prescribed me this I mentioned that my movement should be significantly better in about 3 to 4 months.
Has anyone tried Neupro patch and what ar... - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone tried Neupro patch and what are the results and side effects

I used it for a year when first diagnosed in 2017. I didn’t notice any real change - but my Parkinson’s was mild then. However it still is without the NeuPro patch. After using the patch for a year I began to react at the patch site. It turned red and burned. The cortisone cream prescribed by the doctor did not help so I had to discontinue using it. The redness took months to clear up!
My Dad uses the patch, and has done since having a stoma fitted due to bowel cancer surgery. It works well for him. Benefits are 24 hour efficacy, so its working when he gets up in the night to pee. And it doesn't depend on his digestion to absorb it
He had issues with sore skin, and we moved it about a fair bit, but that seems to have resolved now.
It is a dopamine agonist, so potentially all the usual side effects. Dad had a lot of hallucinations whilst in hospital, but has had none for over a year now, and I think they were due to other things, and not the patches
My husband was initially diagnosed with Lewy BodyDementia and was prescribed Madapar, which had no effect. . He then started using the Neupro patch. It turned his life around. He actually had extreme apathy, which then disappeared and he was rediagnosed with Parkinsons. This was in 2012. He's been well till last year, when it stopped working. It's hard to know how much it did for his movements. He's now taking mannitol, which has done the same thing for his apathy, which had returned.
You need to be aware that the patch can cause addictions, but that can be monitored easily and doesn't happen often.
You need to move the patch around, arms and legs, or it will leave you with very red welts.
Good luck,
Be careful of wearing the patch in hot weather - heat activated the medication and it’s possible to overdose (happened to me)
Never thought of that. Thanks
I have a friend who uses it. She is fairly newly diagnosed; I believe in the past two years. But she likes it. She combines it with Rytary.
Great thanks
My husband has been on it for about 4 months now. Not sure if it has any effect. His symptoms are still pretty bad
Been on patches and Sinemet for 11 months and main side effect are swollen ankles and feet. My dr prescribed medication for this problem but l reacted badly so I stopped taking it. I now use compression stockings and use a circulation machine which helps with the leg pain.