I am 62 years old and I was diagnosed in 2017, waited a year before taking meds, started with Sinemet. Increased dose to 1.5 tablets 3x per day. Then went to 4x per day. This past June off time was more than on. Increased to 2 tablets 4x per day, plus a dose of CR 50/200 before bed. Still not carrying me more than 3 hours. I wanted to try Rytary, but Movement Disorder specialist put me on amantadine instead. First day tried the 3 doses at 2.5ml and was nauseaous. The next couple of days tried 1 dose, it seemed to help, after a couple of days went to 2x per day. Then tried 5ml 2x per day. Now I am nauseaous and have a headache. I am eventually supposed to go up to 10ml 3x per day.
Anyway, I was satisfied with my physician to a point, but I don't find him to be very progressive. After watching a webinar about the variety of medications that are offered today I feel that I should be more fluid in movement. I do exercise, eat right and try to socialize.
I am in Rhode Island and was hoping someone would have a recommendation for a Movement Disorder specialist in Boston? Thank you for any suggestions.