I was diagnosed with PD in 1998, probably had it a couple of years before that. I also have hypertension, coronary artery disease and had a heart attack and a 4-vessel coronary-artery-bypass-graft this past June. So when I say I have "balance problems," there are many possible causes. I already know I suffer from orthostatic hypotension, possibly from my medications or my cardiac-related problems. But this balance issue is not dizzyness, nor would I describe it as light-headedness. It only bothers me when I am walking and then only once or twice a day, if it all. Some days it is very troublesome and my gait veers my body to the right, never the left. My wife walks on my right when I have these balance problems and bumps me back on course. Can anybody else relate to this problem and how have you addressed it?
Balance Problems...: I was diagnosed with... - Cure Parkinson's
Balance Problems...

My PD diagnosis was finally addressed because of balance problems. Other symptoms were probably there as well, but I first started falling in the garden because of balance - and always to the left side. My primary physician thought I was not getting enough blood and oxygen to my brain and sent me to a cardiologist. Since I "aced" of the his tests (and he was thorough), he sent me across the hall to a neurologist, who spotted my dragging left leg, my listing to the left and my falling when put through a series of physical exercises. He then, identified my other symptoms (which I failed to put together with the balance problems) and I was put on Stalevo for a 10 day trial. It worked on easing the balance problems, but as other symptoms surfaced, other drugs (Azilect and additional carba/leva) were added. My advice is to consult a reputable neurologist ASAP. Not having cardiological problems, I cannot advise you further. Please see a qualified neurologist who will work with your neurologist. That is most important. Good luck and God bless.
Hi Wordworks, I have a similar balance problem but mine is on the left. When I go off to the left I look like a drunk old hippie chick, usually a wall or a curb or "My Robert: stops me. Even when I sit on the couch I lean to the left. If I don't put a pillow under my left butt checkwhole sitting on the sofa, I will end up with my face inbetween the couch cushion or in Roberts lap. (Robert doesn't mind-Tee-hee)! I too have several health issue so it could be medications or the symptoms of any and all of the diseases. Just know, you are not alone!
I also have the problem of leaning, but I lean to the right which is my weaker side. I have to sit in a chair that has arms on it or I'll fall out of the chair. I asked my doctor about it and he said it's just part of having PD. One thing you can do is do exercises to build up your core strength with physical therapy. Someone who had the same problem told me that's what they did and it helped. It's worth a try. Blessings.
It usually happens in enclosed spaces i.e. small shops) if I turn round I often lose balance and go off to the right, try to correct myself which makes me swing to the left until I balance up (Best way I can describe it)
I have had many black looks from some People, and I know exactly what they are thinking, That I am drunk.
I usually just make the comment ''More water with the gin Trevor'' and carry on regardless.
I lean to the right also and really havent figured out why?? Its a very strange feeling to be off balance and veer to the right,I go see my Neurologist on 11/12 maybe he'll have an answer for me,I'll keep you posted.Take care and thanks for sharing,I really learn so much from everyone,we are not alone!
I'm 53 just diagnosed a little over a year ago. I just fell again last July and this past Monday had shoulder surgery to correct the damage from that fall. My PD Dr is sending me to a PT that specializes in PD. I will try to remember to touch base with you'll after next Tues appt to let you know what he suggest
Blessed, I strongly endorse BIG therapy. You can lear more about it here: lsvtglobal.com/ . I was falling at least once a week before I took the four week course of therapy over a year ago and haven't fallen since. The balance problem I am talking about in this question is not at all like the PD balance problems I had in the past.
If your neuro can refer you to a good PT, I would go for it. I'm very fortunate to have acccess to exercise classes for pwp's here in NYC. Alexander Technique, yoga, NIA, Movement (taught by a pwp), tai chi. They all address techniques for falling and balance. I've had so many injuries since my diagnosis but GOTTA KEEP MOVING!
strangely enough, most of the injuries occur in the hiatus between classes (10 to 12 weeks with 4 to 6 weeks off)
Thanks for the replies Mary Alice, Oldtyke, Annie, Blessed and PatV. It is always great to share ideas.