Has anyone here had success with Vit B1 as it relates to balance and gait problems
B1 & Balance problems: Has anyone here had... - Cure Parkinson's
B1 & Balance problems

Yes, I have heard people refer to "rock steady balance" or "noticeably improved balance", in fact, this is where Dr. Costantini uses the "push test" to help fine tune the dose. A properly adjusted dose will produce a good response to the push test as well as diminished symptoms. Again, as always, this is why it pays dividends to stay in constant contact with Dr. C while trying to find your optimal dose! Look at Q&A #35 and #48 at this link:
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B1 corrected my equilibrium to about 96% or better in just 2 weeks.
I’m sportin’ a pair of 3” inch pumps today at the office and out to dinner soon. Life is about 94% of normal. The 6% missing is a low velocity intermittent tremor barely noticeable anymore and end of day heavy leg, some slower movement other limbs.
But it doesn’t keep me out of my high heals.
Your story is so inspiring to many and not just the fact that you have gotten some great results in diminishing your symptoms very significantly, but also the way that you have turned the light back on in your life from that dark place where you wanted to keep your office door closed and basically avoid people, meetings and business in general to the renewed you that is out and about in your high heels interacting fully with people again! You could easily be the "The Dr. Costantini B-1 Protocol Poster Child" if you actually had the time any more! You are rockin' living again!!! 😊👍👍😊
Yes, my dad has a lot of balance problems, B1 is helping a lot, he improved a lot when starting b1 and at one point at recommendation of Dr Constantini he stopped taking B1 because of balance issues to see how it influences. His balance issues worsened a lot every day until after 5 days it was so bad that he started again taking B1. It improved again during the following days and again after 5 days seemed to have reached the best result so far. Recently (couple of months later) his balance worsened quite a bit again though. This week he went to see his neurologist because he hardly could stand up anymore without holding himself to something. His neurologist suspected possibly blood in his brain due to the sudden change in balance issues. He is taking two different blood thinners (heart issues), and so neurologist suggested he should drop one and cardiologist agreed to stop one. Next day his balance improved already. I'm not sure if this is placebo effect or not, because I doubt the blood would disappear out of his brain just like that? Anyway, soon he will do a head scan to confirm whether his balance issues are due to blood. But in short, yes, B1 was/is helping a lot. Not to the point of being 96% OK like Constance, but I guess we will find out whether it could improve further if part of the issue was from blood "leak"(?).
I was taking 2 grams per day when first started HD Thiamine but found some problems getting worse, contacted Dr Costantini and after stopping for 5 days am now taking 1 gram per day and so far has been a big help.
Best thing for balance. Several times a day standing on one foot
While in line at the store
While waiting for the car to fill up with gas
Bicycle riding
Most rolling accidents seem to happen when people move too fast
Yes, definitely balance !