I struggle greatly with balance and freezing of gait. Particularly with regard to balance, what works for you? I've done a search in the archives but I'm too lazy to read through all 1600+ that reference "balance" somewhere in the post when I search it. Thank you in advance. I don't care if it's Rx meds, natural, exercise..... Im open to research it. I have discussed this with my neurologist but doesn't give me great hope. Thank you in advance!!!
Balance Issues : I struggle greatly with... - Cure Parkinson's
Balance Issues

I also suffer from poor balance and gait freezing, plus I have slowed down in addition to various aches and pains complird)ents of Parkinson's. My speech has softened, and I have minor tremors in both hands; thus overall, I'd say I am in fairly good health for someone who's 78 years old and was diagnosed with Parkinson's in May of 2014.
I am in a unique situation in that i have been confine to a VA facility since August of 2021. From my first day here, I have not been allowed to stand on my own, and because of that, my balance is all messed up; the PT people at the VA facility are walking with me for 15 mins. a day five days a week, not nearly enough time to enable me to walk on my own. They do not want me to fall and get hurt. There is no way I am going to be able to walk on my own without some sort of balance therapy.
So I am going to ask the Therapy head gut tomorrow if he can tell me his plans on getting me to walk on my own using some form of aid (walker, rollator, cane). If has no plan, then I'll go home and go public for my PT.
I have tried the B1 method; however, that therapy did not work for me. I am going to try other supplements (that I can afford) to stop the gait freezing. I honestly feel that my cure is out there. I have just started a series of seated core exercises (YouTube) that should help with my balance issues.
Good Luck To You
Red light therapy helmet improved my balance, tremors, gait, freezing and muscle stiffness. I’m 79.
I have been dealing with the same situation. I have balance and freezing gait problems. I fell down twice and broke my ribs recently. Now my doctor told me not to walk without a walker but my problems are worse now I cannot walk with out the walker anymore. I cannot even walk .going for my physical therapy too . But does not helpme
I don't freeze while moving, but my feet get "stuck" to the floor sometimes. End of 2022 and into 2023 I was falling every month. I resumed my weightlifting routine 2-3x/week and have fallen twice this year. Walking regularly didn't save me from trouble me with balance/falls.
My theory is poor proprioception = poor balance. (I flunk the "put your finger to your nose" test When I exercise in a way that MOVES my extremities my balance improves. There are a number of "improve balance" videos by PT's that are very helpful online.
I'm not into meds, they may offer help (or some may make it worse!)
Keep moving!
I had problems with balance whilst walking. Core exercises have improved this. I also took up Nordic walking and now rarely go out without my Nordic walking poles. They force you into a better posture whilst walking, work arms as well as legs in sequence and give you confidence that if you do lose balance you can dig them in and won’t fall especially on a muddy or rocky surface. Also you look sporty rather than disabled! Wishing you the very best. Never give up. X
Hi! You can try NUSHU. You can check this YouTube video here: youtube.com/watch?v=y9oJQ7N...
Or this Parkinson's News Today article: parkinsonsnewstoday.com/new...
vibration plates on Amazon work great to improve balance. They sell some with balance bars to hold onto for added support
awesome. Lifepro has one with a support for standing, as well.
Taichi seems to help with posture and balance, but probably not a miracle cure...Good luck!
OMG, I know freezing sucks! That is my major malfunction. Things I have used or using: Vibrating insoles of shoes, vibration plate, laser shoes for visual cues when walking, working out with focus on u-tube "excercises to prevent freezing", cryotherapy, red light sauna blanket, increasing my c/l (regular),taking apomorphine (Kynmobi) and Neuro has me "signed up" to try if insurance approves Vyalev pump. I have appt with rep comig to my home 12/2. (24 hours of wearing and taking off for showers, working out, swimming "freaks" me out a bit though.
I want to suggest trying cinnamon. Please reference park_bear about this. The overall improvement is like night and day but a week or so down the line one notices this is going easier, and that is better ...well worth a try in general anyways and inexpensive and easily obtainable.
Non so se ti può essere utile, io ho trovato questo dispositivo mentre navigavo sul web cercando di sapere tutto il possibile su PD
ho anche contattato la ditta (italo-svizzera), hanno risposto gentilissimi a tutte le domande. sul sito ci sono molte informazioni e riferimenti a studi scientifici e video sul prima/dopo
Per il mio PwP è troppo precoce (ha problemi solo al braccio, per ora) , è più adatto a sintomi più avanzati, lo teniamo in considerazione per il futuro, sperando di potercelo permettere perché purtroppo è molto costoso.
Nel sito puoi scegliere tra inglese italiano francese tedesco cliccando sulla freccina sulla barra in alto a dx.
Di cuore ti auguro tutto il meglio, ho anche pregato per te
I don't know if it can be useful to you, I found this device while surfing the web trying to find out everything possible about PD
I also contacted the company (Italian-Swiss), they answered all the questions very kindly. on the site there is a lot of information and references to scientific studies and videos on before/after
For my PwP it is too early (he only has problems with his arm, for now), it is more suitable for more advanced symptoms, we are keeping it in mind for the future, hoping to be able to afford it because unfortunately it is very expensive.
On the site you can choose between English Italian French German by clicking on the arrow on the top right bar.
I wish you all the best, I also prayed for you
Is this device available in the US? If so looks promising.Has anyone tried this?
Thank you, I was going to ask the same question.
So it seems Red light, a vibro plate, weight lifting ( exercise) and cinnamon ( why park_bear pls ) the suggestions
Did you try any of them and any improvement?