I am always wary when prescribed new (not pd) drugs and on several occasions have asked my GP to check.Is there a quick reference leaflet available for pwp which gives advice on what to take and what not to take? I am in the UK
Which drugs shouldn't be taken with PD dr... - Cure Parkinson's
Which drugs shouldn't be taken with PD drugs?

This web site should be helpful: healthtools.aarp.org/drug-i...
Another good check is drugdigest.org. Go to check interactions.
For sure don't take haloperidol, also known as halodol. It has been known to cause death in people with PD. This is a drug administered to people with Alzheimer's but it messes with people with PD.
Thank you for the advice on web sources of information. I was thinking along the lines of a small leaflet li sting the drugs you should never take plus information about those which are likely to interfere with PD meds. I realize this is not going to be a definitive list but is a good starting point. I have had experience of both dentists and doctors prescribing meds unsuitable for pwp. If you are just about to be given a shot you want to know as quickly as possible. I also had an occasion when I was told by a hospital doctor he could not prescribe me any painkillers as I was already on morphine. It took me a long time to convince him that apomorphine contained no morphine.
The earlier version of the PUK booklet Drug Treatments of Parkiinsons had a section at the back called Drugs to Avoid. It is in the most recent version lost in the middle of the booklet and not as well laid out. Still it is a useful list.
APDA gave out a pamphlet at the Parkie Walk called "Medications to be Avoided or Used with Caution in PD" Very clear. Maybe someone can scan and send you. Here in U.S. however.
Beware of antibiotics. I had a serious reaction with Cipro and Requip XL, and I had take Cipro before PD. Watch Out!
Drs. don't seem to take the time to check contraindications, but their nurses DO, as well as the pharmacist and check the web. Don't take either if in doubt
My husband's doctor told us to make sure he never takes Demerol for pain when in the hopital or at the ER. He also told him not to take Prozac. But then you did not list what meds you are on so it may be different from my husband.
If you ordered an Aware in Care kit, you will get a list of meds that is well organized and a great reference. Also remember- NEVER take REGLAN. It can have disastrous results.
Here in the States, there seems to be an abundance of info handed out with each prescription.
I also had a reaction with CIPRO & REQUIP.... Had taken cipro before with no problems... Must be the two drugs together.