My plea: Take my wine, take my bread, take my desserts, take my chocolate if you must but please don’t take my cheese.
But alas, cow dairy could be contributing to making PD worse.
Epigenetic effects of casein-derived opioid peptides in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells
But, A2 casein is good. A1 bad. Getting A2 cow milk is a challenge.
“milk containing only A2 β-casein and not A1 β-casein has the potential to promote the production of the antioxidant glutathione in humans.”
“Conclusion: It is reasonable to conclude that consumption of A1 "like" variants of β-casein induced inflammatory response in gut by activating Th2 pathway as compared to A2A2 variants. The present study thus supports the purported deleterious impacts of consumption of A1 "like" variants of β-casein and suggests possible aggravation of inflammatory response for etiology of various health disorders.”
The Truth about Butter & Dairy: Health Food Or Inflammatory?
Have any of you stopped dairy and found this to be beneficial?
I’ve committed to stopping cow milk cheese for 6+ weeks to see how I feel. Im keeping my grass fed butter and organic goat and organic sheep products for now.