Has anyone experienced pain with PD? - Cure Parkinson's

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Has anyone experienced pain with PD?

ppanther profile image
34 Replies

I have had left forearm pain since September. Every time I contract that muscle I get sharp stabbing pain. If anyone has experienced pain with PD, what did you take to get some relief?

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ppanther profile image
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34 Replies
Annie11 profile image

I have experienced that and pain behind my left calf. I have not taken any meds because I am tired of pills so I rest with heat. Works to some degree.

JohnPepper profile image

Hi ppanther. Yes I get regular stabs of pain, when I lift up either arm above shoulder level. I do not have any shoulder injuries. I am told that it is Pd related but it is probably also age related.


pmmargo profile image
pmmargo in reply to JohnPepper

yeah or muscle imbalance is the other phrase I have heard.

Court profile image

I have bad pain from my right hip right down to my foot and am waiting for the results of an MRI scan. Recently this has been joined by a similar pain from my right shoulder down to my hand. This is causing me problems with my hand as I cannot grip or hold anything and I also have pins and needles in my hand. I am taking Amitriptyline and Zapain at the moment.

cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to Court

I think it's from the posture and this causes nerve pain

ppanther profile image
ppanther in reply to Court

Has the Amitriptyline helped it at all?

Lepseny13 profile image

Hi, my husband suffers pain in his left forearm most of the time. He has found that the medication he takes doesn't really take the pain away so he goes swimming twice a week which he says helps and also acupuncture really helps it and he can be pain free for two weeks after a treatment.

Hope that's useful

ppanther profile image
ppanther in reply to Lepseny13

Thank you for response. Might have to try acupuncture.

froggatt55 profile image

Hi ppanther

I get this stabbing pain only in my right forearm particularly after gardening or chopping logs but I have recently started boxing training and after a session there the pain goes.

I have been diagnosed with the beast for 11 years (am 70 in July) and have always kept fit so whether it is Pd related, I can't tell but it is only in the right forearm as I said

msfelchy profile image

My mother has this consistently. So far, no permanent solution.

ppanther profile image

My family dr prescribed cymbalta daily and to take Amitriptyline at night. I guess both will help with pain. Wondering if it takes awhile to get in system to work?

Tiger101 profile image
Tiger101 in reply to ppanther

Cymbalta was really helping my husband. Then it depleted the salt in his body and he got really ill and into the ER. Sigh. Went on Gabapentin, amitriptyline. Nothing works! He has severe pain from hips down to toes. Toes are so sensitive he can't wear shoes. Not sure what else to do or what this is.

Rex25 profile image

The usual, stabbing pain in side, pain at joints etc. I believe some of my pain is from the pd and some is a side effect of sinemet - Exercise and good posture helps plus heat and cold packs if it becomes severe. Laying down and meditating also. I went the narcotic route a while back and will never do that again!!! All that happened was the opiates stopped working against the pain while I had become addicted to them. I was a junkie with pd. Not a good combination. Acupuncture, Tai Chi, Yoga, and massage (from a mesuse that is trained to work with people with motion disorders) all help me too. But sometimes I just have to buck up and push through the pain. Good luck and take care. Andy Ward King

ppanther profile image
ppanther in reply to Rex25

Thanks for your response. Next step was pain dr and I was afraid of what might happen if I went that route ... And it happened to you.

Tiger101 profile image
Tiger101 in reply to ppanther

Prior to PD diagnosis not even a month ago - Oh did we go to our share of pain docs. Did Botox as well. Were on most the of the opioids, took him off completely. They gave him tramadol which he refused to take. Tylenol and Advil just don't cut it. I wonder if something for rumatoid (sp) arthritis like Celebrex would work. The doc says nothing new added until we find out if Rytary is working which makes sense.

Annie81963 profile image
Annie81963 in reply to Tiger101

I read that PD patients should not take Tramadol . When I asked my dr., she simply said that the advantages out weigh the risks from taking the drug. That it was my decision. I decided to NOT take it. Aleeve helps my pain.

mistydog1 profile image

I have early onset of PD. Usually have a constant dull ache in my left shoulder, when I take my Sinemet it becomes much more sever and I suffer with dyskinesia in only that arm after taking the Sinemet. I have notice as of late the pain has traveled down lower to my forearm . Maybe I will try acupuncture .

Janew profile image

I have pain in my legs, feet and hip joints when I go to bed and can't get comfortable with it. Amytriptiline helps me feel slightly more relaxed

landman profile image

Yes. All of us experience pain. It is good to experiment with all alternatives, such as acupuncture, chiro, exercise, pot, yoga.

PatV profile image

Massage and chiropracter might help. If you get tingling in fingers, you might have MD check spine, might need PT.

Coblrman profile image

I take extra virgin oliveoil with pepper for inflammation and pain daily. It works the same way ibuprofen does but without the stomach problems.

kamair profile image


it was my first time today and I came with pains in right leg and hand

the guy worked only on upper body - so hand pain disappeared, leg pain remained the same

first time I saw the immediate result

even good massage didn't help

hope it will continue be so effective )

and yes to yoga, heat

no to acupuncture, massage - didn't help me

Kadie57 profile image

My arms ache, hurt and cramp up, I use 100% natural Lavender oil, Works like magic! stops the cramps, REALLY this is so easy--it is amazing.

maryalice profile image

I have pain throughout my body. A friend of mine, who is a doctor recommended that I try a pain patch. It was approved by the FDA and is all natural. He sent me a couple to try. Here is the web site: fgxpainstrip.weebly.com/. It's some kind of business but you can order them for your own personal use. I'll let you know if they work in a couple of weeks.

cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to maryalice

I think it is a lot to do with stiffness rigidity . Parkinson's doesn't happen over night . My husband is just 80 and we have been married for 56 yrs .

Even when I met him first he had pain and discomfort in his right shoulder , he swam most days of his life thinking it was helping him , maybe it was .. He had ex rays and in these days stretching treatment , pain killers did not help so he stopped taking them . one Dr told him he had a kink in his spine !!

He just got on with it . but it hampered him always . It was the same shoulder that started to droop and stopped swinging as he walked . It gradually affected his wrists and hands .

I believe It had been Parkinson's all the time which gradually worsened . His fingers now keep sticking out and his hands become distorted the same with his feet . All this causes pAin . I massage and gently stretch .

windwsprer profile image
windwsprer in reply to maryalice

Me too, all over all the time. Where would you put the pain patch? Most anywhere? Just kidding. Please do update us on how they work for you. Happiness to you from another m a

maryalice profile image
maryalice in reply to windwsprer

I will let you know how the patch works.

merlethegirl profile image

I have pain in my legs, butt and shoulders. My muscles twitch and move all the time. I am considering DBS this year. I'm taking an over the counter pain medication.

maryalice profile image
maryalice in reply to merlethegirl


Check out these web sites:




Someone answered this in my post, "This will give you hope." You may want to check it out.

The device is being tested to target an area deep inside the brain, the thalamus, to relieve tremor, a common symptom of the neurological degenerative disease.

This area is one of the same targets of deep-brain stimulating devices, surgically implanted, pacemaker-sized items that send frequent jolts into the brain to relieve Parkinson's symptoms

January 7, 2014

The Focused Ultrasound Foundations has released a special newsletter issue informing that a major milestone in the evolution of the field of focused ultrasound has been achieved. The first treatment has been successfully performed in a 20-patient pilot study assessing the feasibility, safety and preliminary efficacy of MR guided Focused Ultrasound for dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease (PD)

.It sounds promising to me. Blessings.


Anid profile image

Hi, before I was diagnosed with PD, I had so much pain in my left lower leg. No doctor, scans etc etc could find out what the cause was. I had it until I was diagnosed with PD and started using medication.

Tiger101 profile image
Tiger101 in reply to Anid

Wow Anid that sounds like my husband. What meds are you taking for the pain?

Janieg57 profile image

Hi new to this forum 56 year old female , diagnosed 6 years ago , very active prior to diagnosis , was a hockey player , runner , alway had pain especially my right leg ,upper thigh muscle , also neck pain muscular ( right side affected with the PD , also right arm pain aching sharp muscular. had this before starting Dopamine . I have warm baths , sometimes Ibuprofen, gel to rub into area , and minimum Ibuprofen tablets parhaps once a week to help me sleep . ( was warned that non steriodal antiinflamms can cause problem with the kidneys if taken in large dose .Paracetamol does not help . hope things are ok today for you . kind regards J

rideabike profile image

Just wondering if you lifted anything heavy or if the pain just came out of nowhere. I'm asking because my forearm is also in pain and so is the elbow for quite some time. I figured it was from carrying bags of groceries. I am always carrying something heavy, maybe I shouldn't do so much, but at 67 I don't feel I should need to lighten the load at my age. (Then I would have to make more trips and my legs would be in pain 😆....can't win) I also found when I get pain it lasts for months and months. Opened out a futon bed for a few weeks when I had to sleep on it and the action caused pain in my right arm and shoulder that lasted for almost a year.

CASEY9534 profile image

Pain is normal in pd. Pre diagnosis had frequent severe mystery pain in right shoulder which largly stopped once i started taking sinimet. Check out the placebo effect at intentional-placebo.com/. On the same site under pain there is a free hypnosis for pain recording which worked for me. i have also found magnesium oil good foer joint pain and muscle cramps at night.

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