I came across this video and thought it may be of interest to others based on the recent posts concerning N-Acetyl-L-Leucine (Tanganil). The video is not specific to Parkinson's, but it does briefly discuss the research paper (starting at 24:30) about Parkinson's & Tanganil and one of the speakers in the video was a co-author to that study.
Informative video about N-Acetyl-L-Leucin... - Cure Parkinson's
Informative video about N-Acetyl-L-Leucine (Tanganil)

Thanks for sharing! Will take a look.
Very interesting indeed! Some key points I noticed : AQNEURSA (NALL) will probably be approved in the EU very soon (if it’s not already). It is clear that it has already been prescribed to patients with other neurological diseases than NPC (aka off-label use) and then it’s a question depending on which country you live in, if you get the insurance company or government to pay for it. Also clearly noticed from the video that Tanganil is not suitable in the long run since there could be a buildup of the D enantiomer in cells, which can be harmful. Also there is still no evidence of which dose is correct, you just have to find out for yourself.
Can you indicate where in the video it is mentioned that "Tanganil is not suitable in the long run since there could be a buildup of the D enantiomer in cells, which can be harmful." Because I have not been able to find it yet, and that is important to me because I have been taking it for a while (4 months)
You might consider a washout period now and then, in the German study they made breaks if I remember of 2 weeks before MRT scans to wash it out, I don’t know if that’s what is needed.
It becomes clear to me that according to these experts, L-leucine is safer but also more effective.
I agree. I have been thinking a lot about the dose. Since Tanganil contains only 50% active L substance, when taking 4 grams per day of this you get 2 grams N-acetyl-L-leucine and the rest is ”D”.
In the video they talk about N-acetyl-L-leucine doses of 0,1 grams per kilogram body weight, per day, this would mean 7 grams per day for me, weighing 70 kg. This is 3,5 times the NALL content in the 4 gr Tanganil dose I am taking for the moment. Am really confused about this. AQNEURSA recommends 4 gram per day for adults, I think. But this is for the treatment of the Neumann-Pick disease. Would love some feedback and clever ideas on this subject. Did anyone find any studies on human beings with the 0,1g/kg dose and the side effects?
The fact that the pure L-version is more reasonable than the DL-version is already mentioned in the study with two test subjects – there is also a study with mice indicating that the pure L-version is superior to the DL-version.
However: Tanganil is a medication, so one can trust that it contains exactly what is stated on the label. When it comes to powders from China, especially regarding the L-version, I am somewhat skeptical – unfortunately, I still haven't found a laboratory or pharmacy that can analyze my China-sourced Acetyl-L-Leucine.
AND: Recently, most French pharmacies and online pharmacies have stopped shipping Tanganil outside of France – including to Germany. I do have a total supply of 13 months' worth of Tanganil, but in the end, I will try to find a very reliable source for Acetyl-L-Leucine that I can trust 100% or have it tested.
Has anyone in this forum already found a source that has had the China-powder tested externally? Because most suppliers, whether in the US or Europe, simply import from China and get a Chinese certificate issued – without conducting their own testing.
Ultimately, Acetyl-L-Leucine is the only medication or supplement that truly shows promise for PD based on before-and-after comparisons using DAT scans – most other claims are merely observations or even speculations.
Did you try to order Tanganil lately? I could order it from a French online pharmacy a few weeks ago, they did have it in stock again and shipped 10 boxes to me, I got them (Sweden).
EDIT:They seem to have sold out again, I checked 29th of March . End edit
When I have the test results from my Mark Nature bulk on heavy metals in N-acetyl-L-leucine I will come back here to report, will be around end of April.
Hello, a few weeks ago a French pharmacy near the German border informed me that they are no longer allowed to ship to Germany due to new regulations. Online pharmacies were still allowed to do so - until last week. Here, too, I received an email saying that shipping is no longer possible.
Maybe if you are lucky, other online pharmacies still ship - but apparently it is no longer possible or is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain Tanganil - except in France itself.
hi always interested in promising supplements though this seems tricky to get right - bit confused as there seems to be a lot of luecine supplements readily available but maybe this not the same as N acetyl leucine ? Also Nattokinase came up in the search so was wondering if this was the same …..
This is quite complicated and it is only (preferably) N-acetyl-L-leucine or possibly N-Acetyl-DL-leucine what you should look for. Leucine is not the same, L-leucine is not the same either. There are also other acetylated amino acids but they are not the same. Watch the exact spelling and avoid everything that is not called exactly as above. These are not supplements generally sold in health food stores.
thanks yes had wondered as there seemed a lot available in health stores - did come across a med site that you could order from I wonder if they will do any trials with this supplement with P as seems so promising