I was diagnosed with PD 8 yrs ago.
I have strength and fatigue issues and would like to know if anyone has experienced improvement with Ivermectin and if so what is the dosage protocol for? Thank you.
I was diagnosed with PD 8 yrs ago.
I have strength and fatigue issues and would like to know if anyone has experienced improvement with Ivermectin and if so what is the dosage protocol for? Thank you.
i began 4 days ago and noted marked improvement, so far, at 12mg/day in all symptoms except constipation.
l tried To reply buy can’t tell if it went through. Wondering how you arrived at the dosage oof 12 mg daily?
that is the dose tablet i have...and it is well under the max per nhi. 3 or 6 are also available.
Where did u get the tablets from?
Ivermectin is a common older medication used to kill parasites. I used it daily in my veterinary practice. It comes as a large, plastic syringe with a graduated plunger. This tells you how much to squirt into the mouth of the horse or cow; A full syringe for a 1200 pound horse. Half syringe for a 500 pound animal. Quarter syringe for a 250 pound animal. Etc. Available wherever animal supplies are sold. In animals. overdosage can cause neurologic signs such as seizures. Because PD doesn't affect dogs, cats, cows or any species beside humans, There's no way to know whether ivermectin would help animals. In the past I broke rules by medicating human friends while as a vet I'm not able to do so legally; I'd suture wounds and give antibiotics but I would never treat a human with ivermectin.