It's a hard go trying to change the medical establishment. Cheap, effective, already exists, so the only question is why is it not in use by every single Hospital and doctors offices.
Covid 19 and Ivermectin. Amazing presenta... - Cure Parkinson's
Covid 19 and Ivermectin. Amazing presentation.

Here is a link to their full protocol which includes vitamin D and quercetin
Doctor Seheult on ivermectin:
River Pharmacy in Canada.Prescription not needed.
To be fair, didn't watch the whole thing but as a veterinarian I can tell you ivermectin is not always safe. It is a neurotoxin and I would hesitate to use it in someone with PD. In animals there are genetic mutations (esp in collies and herding breeds) , that can make use of it deadly or cause permanent neurologic damage. If you have any issues with an incomplete blood brain barrier it can kill you. The last thing we need to people trying to self dose this! I do believe it is not approved for human use in the US because of the dangers.
Serious Neurological Adverse Events after Ivermectin
I've read about ivermectin, cinnamon, mannitol and a dozen other treatments purported to treat PD. Are these all placebo effects?