I read a lot about exercise benefits for PD. I am sharing my experience. I was diagnosed with PD about 4 years ago. My main symptoms over years are right hand tremors and REM issues which I have on and off for many years. I have been a good runner for many years even before PD diagnosis. After my PD diagnosis, I have been running for 4-5 days for 5-7 KM. There is no benefit to hand tremors. The tremors have been progressing, so I wasn't sure if exercise helping at all. Lately, I had major dental surgery and bone grafting. Doctor asked me not to exercise for a few weeks. I stopped running, and what I experienced was unimaginable. After one and half week of stopping exercise I had following symptoms 1. Brain fog: out of blue I had brain fog issues.
2. Sleep issues: I was sleeping like a baby for 8 h a night. But after stopping exercise, I couldn't sleep more than two to three hours.
3. Dizziness: I had dizziness issues which I had never before. This could be due to antibiotics.
4. Constipation: suddenly I had constipation issues which I never had before.
5. Hypertension; I had dizziness when getting up which I didn't I have before.
6. Balance issues: I had whole body tremors and feels like I am going to fell down.
7. Tremors: Hand tremors progressed .
I started exercising after 3 weeks and I see following improvements
1. Brain fog: it is gone
2. Sleep issues: It is gone. I am sleeping like a baby again.
3. Dizziness: it is gone.
4. Constipation: it is back to normal
5. Hypertension : issue of hypertension is gone
6. No balance issues
7. Tremors: still same. No improvement
It was scary experience. On one hand I am happy that exercise is helping that much but on other hand it is scary that if I can't do exercise, then picture is doomed for me.
Nonetheless, exercise is not helping with tremors for some reasons. Please share your experiences.
Just wanted to share my experiences with exercise as number of studies published.