I have a friend in the medical field that has done some research about NAD intravenously.Below are a few links that they sent about the research. Does anyone have any experience with this first-hand?
Looking for ways to reduce my tremors.
I have a friend in the medical field that has done some research about NAD intravenously.Below are a few links that they sent about the research. Does anyone have any experience with this first-hand?
Looking for ways to reduce my tremors.
I am also curious about NAD intravenously. Interesting information about all this. It would be great if it works on a cellular level.
I wonder how different it is from taking niacin or nicotinamide riboside or any other of the NAD+ boosters
My doc says the source of the NAD+ and the amount are important. Most places don't go high enough and high enough is expensive! I haven't done this. She recommends iv glutathione but it has same issues.
Our doctor suggested the IV NAD but the clinic that gives it is an hour away. And I'm told the treatment itself takes an hour. Out of the question for us. But if we were younger we'd have probably tried it.
I did NAD treatments intravenously at a Naturopathic Clinic, but it didn't do anything for my PD symptoms.
I had my HWP do the 5 course treatment in 2 weeks with the NAD - its expensive. It seemed to help with many things, but only for that day. We also did NAD once a month for the next 2 months, no real benefit. But the practitioner said she did have some PD people that really benefitted form the 5 day course with monthly or more treatments. I did one too since I usually try things I research for my hubby. It can take up to 2 plus hours form the IV if you g=feel bad from it - I kinda did, but my husband did them all in less than an hour - it was a first for our NP. Anyway, if you have the funds, I'd try it, but make sure wherever you get it that they understand the protocol. Good luck to every one.