I am having panic attacks every evening and take 45mg of Remeron, 15 mg Buspar x3 plus 2 1/2 tablets of 25/100 Sinemet 6 times a day. My neuro is reducing the Sinemet and won’t do anything about the anxiety. I have a new Psychiatrist that won’t change anything either. My family Dr has given me 30 .25 Xanax which I’ve had to take every night. What has anyone found to help this? I’m desperate at this point.
panic attacks: I am having panic attacks... - Cure Parkinson's
panic attacks

Hello, if you can, find a book or a practioner and do an 8 week mindfullness course. It really does help calm the body and you learn how to cope.
hello, it sounds like my husband journey. He was taking 2 c/l 3 times a day . Zoloft 50 mg in morning, 30 mg remeron and takes 2 trazadone to sleep. . He got off Zoloft because he was tired too much but , it went haywire for about a week. He went back on Zoloft, reduced c/l to 1 1/2 every 4 hours. And only 15 mg of Renee on. There is still anxiety but not like that week he changed meds. He will be working with behavioral therapy and see if that helps. He was also dehydrated. He is slightly better than before. Medication adjustment is everything. Praying you get relief
Gigi, I have had panic attacks and they are my MOST disabling symptom. I would rather be constipated, shaking and drooling together than have a panic attack! Like you, they happened later in the day. My total guess is that you have too much meds in you as they can be additive over the course of a day. This dopamine calculator helped me tweak my dosages and dramatically reduced my panic and anxiety. parkinsonsmeasurement.org/t...
When I plotted my initial drug regimen I could see that my levodopa equivalent levels stair stepped up over the course of the day. My understanding is that ideally, you have as smooth a level as is achievable. (hence the new pumps and other devices to deliver a more constant dose) Achievable is the key here. I think that most doctors are balancing what is ideal against what they think the average patient can comply with. They try to make the prescribing easy with the same number of pills each time. I think they underestimate us!
So the tweak I made was to have my prescribed C/L and agonist dose in the morning but slightly less at noon, 4pm and 8 pm in order not to have the net Levodopa increase over the day. The chart on the web page still has me with a big sawtooth pattern but the peaks and valleys are nearly the same.
The other thing that helps me is if you know when you feel the most anxious, try to plan you exercise so you start just BEFORE you typically get your attack. Once I got my freak out, it was too late.
Very best wishes on this.
For years I used to have rolling panic attacks that would compare with the feeling of drowning under the water.. and from time to time would end up in an ambulance.
Mindfulness meditation did help somewhat- I also take L- Theanine and Ashwagandha together first thing in the morning. I alternate days with Rhodiola drops.
Exercise fast walking helps the most think.
I suspect since I started on the Levodopa it took the edge off the anxiety/panic attacks.
Personally if u can, avoid meds for anxiety - it becomes an on-going thing,, and there's side effects,,