I would like to know if anybody got dyskinesia from coffee. Lately a few days ago I started to drink a cup of coffee in the morning. (I feel much better, better mood, more energy). I take every 2.75 hours 1.5 sinemet 25/100 and 3 times a day Comtan, during the night take 1 Sinemet 25/100 and 1 sinemet CR 25/100 2 times. I had a dyskinesia before sometimes but today was the worse day that I ever had. Also I am taking B1 Thiamin 500 mg in the morning and 500 mg before lunch!! I am not still sure if it the right does for me. I believe that coffee induce the dopamine I feel I have to reduce Comtan and sinemet, but how I do not know. Has anybody have any experience increase dyskinesia from coffee?? Thank you very much!!
Dyskinesia from coffee?: I would like to... - Cure Parkinson's
Dyskinesia from coffee?

I'm not sure but I think it may be the introduction of coffee at that time. It's it actual start to drinking coffee or just the morning start of coffee.
Either may produce some happiness or elation which could help Spike your dopamine levels. You can try adjusting your morning dosage to 1 1/4 since your not talking much and small adjustment will either help or if not you may have to delay dosage a little or the other way. Our bodies digest and absorb differently. One of the reasons everyone Parkinson's is different. Sometimes you may have to experiment.
Yes is the short answer to your question, when I drink coffee it causes intolerable dyskinesia. It tastes delicious and better mood but the dyskinesia is horrible.
Coffee stimulates (increases) dopamine production which is what makes us feel alert and happy. Prescription medication works on the dopamine "center of the brain"--(my doctor tries to make science easy for me to understand) and that's why the tremors (nerve attacks in RLS) subside. Prescription drugs, though, fool the brain into thinking they are dopamine. Soon the brain gets smart, and drugs begin to lose their grip. I am an avid coffee drinker but abstinence from it did not and does not help my RLS one bit!
Coffee, however, is one of the most heavily sprayed crops in the world. (So they tell me.) If you are using organic coffee, that's great. Pesticide residue in coffee may affect your nerves (again, RLS). If you think you are affected, try organic coffee. Blessings.
Thank you very much!!