Pharmacists Can Suggest B Vitamin Intake ... - Cure Parkinson's
Pharmacists Can Suggest B Vitamin Intake to Treat Parkinson Disease

Posted 6 times in the last 2 months. Even you yourself have previously reported the Japanese research of June 14....
38yroldmale 12 days ago
ZOOM4522 19 days ago
jimcaster 21 days ago
John_morris71 2 months ago
Farooqji 2 months ago
genesurf 2 months was the first.
I know that. The current article has some additional comments/information which seemed interesting to me
Your detective work is appreciated!
Certainly if it concerns the same research, you might consider adding the link to the first post along with a brief explanation of the additional insights reported. Personally, I find it practical not to spread the information too thin and to keep all responses together.
I was put on B1 by the Italian Dr Constantino who unfortunately for us, died from Covid.