For myself ... I believe my PD-like symptoms is from my "leaky gut".
And, fortunately after more than 2 years of self-diagnosis --- my various symptoms are still very, very, very mild.
My neuro/MDS is Dr. Bozo who said after my exam: "The good news is that you don't have Parkinson. The bad news is that you don't have Parkinson."
Yeah. He. Really. Said. That. (without an explanation!)
Anyway, like most of you --we do EVERYTHING we can to stop -- slow down -- or reverse our symptoms.
I watch/ listen to/ and skim DOZENS of health videos weekly ... So I just stumbled on this excellent video (except for his negative comment about functional/ integrative medicine prescribing too many tests...).
Best of all, he did a meta analysis of 26 probiotic studies conducted my the NIH/ PubMed.
BOTTOM LINE: Of the gillions of different strains of probiotics the TWO that STOOD OUT as most effective in HEALING a "leaky gut" were:
Blended strains of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.
So I just did my due diligence and RESEARCHED HEAVILY the best brand on Amazon ...
Don't be fooled by the GIGANTIC COST of other brands... They don't have the following:
1. It must be soil-based probiotics.
2. They must contain strains of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.
3. I could not find "MADE IN USA" so the 2nd best marker to look for is to have the label read:
"GMP" (Good Manufacturing Process).