My PD symptoms have greatly decreased. It is bizarre. (Yes I have PD , was diagnosed twice, father has PD) I used to have a visible tremor in my fingers that would come out when exhausted or stressed. It has disappeared as of late. My “weird leg” as I call it, PD feeling of disconnected weaker leg is reduced. Dexterity improved. Etc etc
But, as my PD decreased I developed RLS. It’s like a seesaw; PD down and RLS up.
Im trying to determine some potential causes of this.
Im looking in to methylation (under or over) thinking that could be a cause?
And Histamine? High histamine is observed in PD. Ambroxol is an antihistamine. I take Ambroxol. Antihistamines can worsen RLS. But not all and I don’t know why not all.
RLS and PD are opposites in some ways like iron metabolism.
My puzzle: why do I have RLS now and simultaneously less PD symptoms?
My Pd improved so much I considered stopping Azilect. Doctor said no need to wean. Just stop. I did. I was fine for about 10 days and I was elated! Then it HIT. Internal tremors that felt like what I believe seizures are like. My head felt like it was bouncing on the pillow. My organs were shaking. And I suddenly had EXTREME RLS.
I’m back on Azilect. Internal tremors subdued but and RLS reduced but very present.
What the heck is going on?
Im getting a mineral hair test in a couple weeks.
Methylation? Histamine?
(If your response is, maybe you do not have PD; just don’t. Im not debating that further.)