I have received an email from Charco Neurotech, that deliveries of the Cue 1 device are to start in the next two weeks. Is anyone else on the initial customer list? If so and in time, it would be good to have an ongoing post to share our experiences.
The Cue 1 device now ready for delivery! - Cure Parkinson's
The Cue 1 device now ready for delivery!

Is the price as they say on the webpage ? "By our current estimate the CUE1 will RRP for £295 upon release; "
My husband is on the waiting list but heard nothing as yet.
We’re on the list, but looks like not the initial customer one as I haven’t received the email you have. Really hoping it’s not too long before we (my husband) can get one.
Thank you very much Buckholt.
For those of you who want to know more about the CUE1, I am delighted to announce that our last zoom session of the year will be taking place at 8 pm London time on Monday, the 13th of December.
We will have the opportunity to listen to Lucy Jung, CEO of Charco Neurotech, the company that produces the CUE1, a non-invasive wearable device that utilises pulsed cueing and focused vibrotactile stimulation to reduce slowness and stiffness.
The company has recently announced its partnership with EPDA, the European Parkinson's Disease Association, and was a featured in their online magazine: parkinsonslife.eu/could-a-w...
It was also mentioned in The Times newspaper after what is said to be the largest financing round this year in Europe for a health technology device:
Please use the Eventbrite link below to register for this event:
This eventbrite link is not working for me. How can I register for the zoom meeting?
I am very sorry for this. Please try again, we have a lot of participants so I don’t think the link has a problem:
Good to know. I have my mother on the wait list.
On the waitlist somewhere and hopeful with fingers crossed for a little relief.