Loathe am I to criticise the NHS in UK as it’s such an amazing privilege to have free health care but following the messages from forum users elsewhere in the world I realise that sometimes we get what we’re given and don’t necessarily get the best healthcare.
I m scared I’m blindly heading towards a rude awakening at some point in the not that distant future unless I get professional help.
I’m 62 was diagnosed about 5 years ago but was being diagnosed since 2014. I take a lowish level of Madopar (100/25 x 3 daily) thiamine protocol, a mixture of supplements that I’m not good at consistently taking but I try ( vit c, d omega 3, cucumin, cinnamon, lions mane, quercrtin or Mac)I try and eat well and I exercise regularly but not consistently ( dog walking, bounce, Pilates) try and do 3x a week plus once a day dog walk.
Got a tremor not bad with meds - hardly noticeable unless stressed- hard to control off meds. Stiffness bad off meds but otherwise doing okay. With exercise I’m okay - without I quickly decline.
Haven’t seen the neurologist since pre Covid - don’t have much faith anyway ( didn’t ever mention exercise at diagnosis as a part of maintenance !)
I follow Laurie Michley’s school and teachings - am following this forum avidly and LOVE you guys. I check out as much stuff as I can.
Is there a Uk Laurie Michley? Someone I can work with - in the past I looked and looked- its a lonely old struggle without you guys - I feel a little professional overview would help but I don’t know where to get it
Any ideas?
Sorry if I’m a bit quiet on here - juggling young kids and work and I’m a quiet sort of person