Hello I am a 44 year old was a firefighter very active healthy eater always took good care of my self and was diagnosed here in Miami by Dr.Sengun at UM 4 years ago with Parkinsons or PD.
My first symptoms noticed were memory fine motor skills diminished writing became small, neck and back pain , unable to get the right words out, cutting food became difficult, buttons became difficult, stiff shoulders , eye hand cordination was bad could not make a free throw usually very good basketball player. Went to hospital for 5 days they ran every test and found nothing, was sent to Nero for evaluaton
After a 20 min Physical he diagnosed me with Parkinsons. .
My comments are on my experiences only. I was on all three meds at one time but have cut back to only Senemet 100/25 taking two in the mornings to get me going on an empty stomach once it kicks in I have a light meal remember that most protein will compete with the carbadopa and nullifie the effectiveness of my meds for hours so watch out with proteins before meds.
I take azelect 1 mg daily and 1 senemet about every 1 1/2 hours After my initiall double dose. Exercise is very Important in my treatment if I miss a few workouts I go downhill quick. My work out consist of biking walking stair master and high repetition lightweight wt training. I have tried to back off on meds but my movements slow and I am not able to function. and yes as mentioned must force yourself to drink water no sense of thirst, taking meds with orange juice makes meds work better. .Exercise exercise exercise must move as much as possible best medicine. Try and keep workout diary and plan your next day or week give yourself goals to Meet. This will help you stay motivated and f7ocused. .
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