Please, can you help me determine why I’m having these bright eyed and bushy tailed episodes lasting hours in the wee hours of the night?
3:20 am and I still have not fallen asleep. My heart beat it stronger in the middle of the night than during the day (unless I’m exerting myself)
Is this likely hormonal? I’ve had sleep issues my whole adult life but this is worse.
Yesterday I did the following:
Mornjng walk for circadian rhythm.
Coffee before 10 am
1 hour vigorous exercise ending at 4 pm
Blue blockers after 8 pm
Red light before bed
Deep breathing with long exhale and stretches
No news or anything stressful at night (but day had stressful confrontational work issue)
Before bed I took: Mag threonate, Melatonin, phosphatydlserine (spelling wrong) niacin & zinc
I’m exhausted physically and mentally but I’m not sleepy. Is this cortisol due to stress? Hormone issue? Or just the joy of Parkinson’s?
Addictive sleep meds that cause dementia are not an option.
Knowing how important sleep is for glymphatic drainage has actually added to the stress of not sleeping and made this worse.
Tomorrows (or now todays) To Do list whirls in my head.
Please if you have any advice , or thoughts on what I should look in to , I’d be very grateful.
🌸 Tired but Wired Newbie