new here...want to start taking mannitol.
mannitol?: new here...want to start taking... - Cure Parkinson's

Here is a link to a thread that will open some doors - Mannitol for Parkinson’s Disease
Obxer, welcome to the forum. You are in good company and you will be just fine. Just DO NOT (as in DON'T) get your hopes up about a cure anytime soon and the sooner you come to terms with your diagnosis and your new life, the better.
Meanwhile, here's a tip. Just click on the search bar icon on the browser or smartphone application that you are using and then type in the word: Mannitol. Results pop up and you are on your way to Mannitol heaven.
The forum's "resident Mannitol expert" is the user name Gwendolyn.
May God bless you and your family.
Here you can find all the info from the group that lead the crowd trials on Mannitol.
What is the dosage? I know it is based on body weight. I cant remember the protocol. Thanks!
On the package of bulksupplements version of Mannitol, they suggest a tsp 3 or 5 times a day, I think. I don't think I see a recommendation on the Biofinest package.
However, based on my own anecdotal observations and experience, I have found Biofinest to be extremely potent and effective. I only use 1 tsp of Biofinest.
Biofinest looks and feels different and its effect is obvious. I could feel it from day one. It's sourced from here in the USA and sold by an Oregon company.
Bulksupplements is a mass market company that sells everything, and anything powder supplement. Everything comes from China. They do make some claims that their products are all American. It's not true and according to them it's not a lie. They told me in writing that they are allowed by law to claim that their products are American based on government rules and regulations. Those rules specify the labelling to be used based on the process and procedure for getting the product into the country.
Gwendolyn said that her husband's doctor suggested 1 tsp. Not entirely sure if she meant 1 tsp or 1 tbsp. I hope she sees this message and responds.
I will tag Gwendolyn in this post with the new HU feature: ***tag a member with [@username]. See example below.
Hi there, see my post re my husband’s experience with Mannitol.
You will find this site very supportive as members do care about one another and pass on any hints they think might help, as you can see from the replies to you already.
Good luck