Mild vertigo made worse when I had ankle surgery and will be in this boot for 6 weeks or more. Maybe I have PD but signs no worse than a tremor. Could core exercises help? Should I think about re-starting Sinemet? It never did anything to help the tremor.
Mild vertigo made worse : Mild vertigo made... - Cure Parkinson's
Mild vertigo made worse

For vertigo dr. Foster's exercise is really good. Can be accessed on YouTube. For tremor vitamin B6 in pyridoxal 5 phosphate form might help. Want to space it out from sinemet.
There are many possible vertigo causes. I had mine worked up at a specialist hearing and balance Center. In my case it was neurological as result of the Parkinson's, probably. Fortunately it resolved by itself over time.
Among the many potential causes are acoustic or chemical injury, misplaced otoliths, and Ménière's disease.
Vertigo might have been too strong a word. With my leg stuck in the boot I lose balance if I try to turn or spin off the heel. Core problems come to mind. I ordered the SlenderTone belt. Since I'm locked in the house I need exercises that can be done in front of the TV. I'm in the boot 4-6 weeks minimum.
loss of balance is a PD symptom. Usually a neurologist bases diagnosis on many symptoms.
PwPD have their vestibular system failing and that caused vertigo and balance problems.
Please see this video . A brief description of the vestibular system.
For a long time I've wondered if the semicircular canals connected to the optic nerve. For years I've had a tapping sound in my head. It comes and goes. It only happens when I snap my eyes hard to the left or right. But never while looking up or down and never with my eyes closed. Although I can make it happen most anytime it's spontaneous late in the day when I'm tired. I've asked several neuros about it and never got an answer. I had an attack of vertigo that put me in the emergency ward. An MRI showed MS but one neuro said it might have been clots in the semicircular canals. Once I started treatment for MS the signs went away.
Dizziness and vertigo can be early signs of PD but they are also secondary symptoms to dozens of other diseases. Have you done DatScan?