I am taking 3/4 to one full tab of C/L 25/100 every two to two and a half hours starting at 9 AM, with the last dose at 9 PM, to total 500 mg. I eat small meals with minimal protein through the day to try to maximize medication absorption since the doses are so close together. I have a high protein meal at 6:30 PM. I find I am very hungry all day long which adds to the low energy I experience in the afternoons. I don’t know what I can add to my diet during the day to increase calories without interfering with absorption by being protein or quantity rich. I don’t eat dairy, wheat, red meat, or fish. Anyone else come up with a solution that is dealing with this issue?
Very hungry all day: I am taking 3/4 to... - Cure Parkinson's
Very hungry all day

Spread coconut lecithin butter or flax seed oil on whatever you deem appropriate:
Also, its sugars rather than fats associated with cardiovascular disease. See my writings:
Sugar, Fat And Cardiovascular Disease
and high temperature cooking:
A Tale Of Two Studies Leads To A Deeper Understanding Of Cardiovascular Disease
All kinds of fruit, Oat Bran hot cereal is excellent
Thanks for the reply. I eat a lot of fruit and veggies through the day but it doesn’t hold me over for long. I have steel cut oats and fruit for breakfast despite the fact that it contains some protein. I time it so I finish an hour and a quarter before my next dose. An hour later I’m hungry again. Even before diagnosis I ate frequently due to a high metabolism
Try various types of nuts. Sesame bars are great, too.
Are you on immediate release C / L? The only other thing I can think of is C /L. ER which is the extended release levodopa.
One more thing you can try beans or legumes, they take a while to digest and fill you up
I don't eat breakfast . For "lunch" I eat low protein. I often make oat/wheat bran as a hot cereal (1/4 cup of oat bran, 1/4 cup of wheat bran, 1 1/4 cup of water, and 3 packets of Stevia, microwave for 2 minutes). This has 6.5 grams of protein, which hasn't been a problem for me. And it has lots of fiber (insoluble and soluble) and is "filling". (Btw, this is tasty with 1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter added, but I don't add it nowadays due to the extra protein)... I usually have fruit for lunch too. For dinner, I eat more protein (think meat, veggies, and yogurt for desert)... I have been doing this for about a month now... I still get hungry, but it has certainly gotten less over time... Note, that most of the carbs I eat tend to be those that are lower on the glycemic index scale (I think this may help keep the hunger down)... BTW, I have lost about 6 pounds (which is a good thing for me)... Once I reach my ideal weight, I will eat more, and expect I will be even less hungry... Good luck... Please report back if you find things that work for you...

Glad you have found a regime that is working for you. Thanks for the information. I weigh 110 pounds so I don’t want to lose any weight.
What carbs are you eating?
blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, apples, yogurt, corn, squash, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce/salads, oat and wheat bran, and occasionally bread, nuts (e.g., cashews), Nature's Path Flax Plus Pumpkin Raisin Crunch cereal, and beer

Thanks, pdinva.
Spottedtowhee, do you know for sure that you need to keep to such a strict diet for your meds to work? If not, try altering your diet a single meal at a time, documenting what you're doing, and see what happens.
JohntPM, I don’t know for sure. Because Sinemet was taken off the market, I’ve been gradually transitioning to the generic C/L over the past three months and I didn’t feel like I was doing as well on the new meds. I wanted to eliminate as many variables as possible. I am finally a hundred percent on the new medication.
So in another week, I’ll take your suggestion and do a trial to see how sensitive I am at this point.
Didn’t hear that sinemet has been taken off the market.....why??
Immediate release Sinemet has been unavailable in Canada for several months. I called the head office and couldn’t get any information from them as to why and if and when it would be available again. So I had no choice but to change to the generic. It hasn’t been a smooth transition.
Also Spottedrowhee, I know we are talking about protein and medication but what came to my attention was your somewhat difficult transition to the generic cd/ld. Just keep in mind there are several different generics from different manufacturers and they are all NOT the same. Make note of the manufacturer that’s on your bottle of the one that works for you. I’ve found the one I prefer but I’ve also had ones that I know didn’t work and I was back like I was at day 1 almost 6 years ago. Don’t let anyone tell you all manufacturers are the same . Now about the protein have you tried roasted edamame for a snack ? Karen
Hi Karen. I called several pharmacies and they only carry two of the generics. I’ve only tried one and am finally doing ok, not as well as on Sinemet, but ok enough so far. This is the second time I’ve had to change as I was on a generic that was also discontinued nine months after I started medication.
Quarter cup of edamame contains 14 grams protein. Do you eat it for a snack during the day even though it contains so much protein?
You can make delicious fruit and vegetable smoothies with herbs, and drink them all day. if you're just a little bit careful as to contents, I don't think you'll have any problems with interference with the medication.
You'll feel less hungry If you increase the fats in your diet and reduce the carbohydrates. A ketogenic approach would be your best bet. Keto is high fat, low carb and moderate protein. It sounds like your current eating is just spiking your blood sugar all day with the subsequent crashes leading to more hunger. Keto would smooth out those peaks and troughs.
What you are doing is the recommended approach. My partner, however, does take some protein specifically when she takes meds, contrary to recommendations. She compensates by taking more carbidopa /levodopa. Since protein competes with levodopa for transit to the brain, more levodopa can provide levodopa to the brain even when protein is present.
I eat a keto diet--that is, super high fat, very low carb, and moderately low protein. I love it, it keeps me feeling full, and I think it's kept my PD from progressing.
So, lots of olive oil on your veggies and salads, higher fat cheeses, nuts and nut butters, heavy cream, eggs, some meat.
Amykp, higher fat cheeses it’s a good idea except I don’t eat dairy. I will though increase my consumption of nuts and olive oil.
Are yams and sweet potatoes and regular potatoes on the keto diet?
No, nothing with starch in it. But I'm not saying you should go on a keto diet. Sweet potatoes are perfectly healthy, if you're not. But upping your fat might help you, either way.
Why do you not eat dairy? Do you not want to, or do you react to lactose or milk protein? I ask, because cream and butter have negligible amounts of either, and high fat cheese is pretty low too (example: triple creme brie). Nothing like milk.
Keto has helped me...but it's hard to say whether it would help anyone else. And it's pretty restrictive!
Hi beautiful bird
Get your digestive system working with high tensity exercises. Neurofitbc.com. Kindly PvR
I had the same issues, ate a diet similar to yours. I changed from CL to Rytary, which I take 3 times per day, and therefore can follow a more normal pattern of eating. with moderate intake of protein, as long as meal is one hour before or after taking the Rytary. Also, heart burn often feels like hunger, and could be a source of irritation. Don't over think your diet. Give yourself a few treats too.
I also use the keto diet. In the morning, I have a keto coffee drink that keeps me full till lunch. You can adjust the quantities to suit you but here is my recipe......
1 Tbl coconut cream if you don’t want dairy cream
1 Tbl ghee if you don’t want butter
1 Tbl MCT brain octane oil (bulletproof brand)
1 scoop vanilla or Carmel MCT oil powder for the sweetener (Perfect Keto brand)
Coffee to fill up cup. Micro to heat
Use a frother to mix.
Sometimes I add a little cacao or cinnamon to make it different