I have read many posts about the importance of spacing your Sinemet from your food in order to get the most benefit from Sinemet.
I take 3doses a day 5 hours apart. I have been eating with each dose because when i took it in the morning it was making me throw up. I did not feel any improvement so my Dr. increased my Sinemet from 3 to 6 to 9 a day. I am currently tapering back down slowly as i feel a lot of brain fog .
This morning i took 3 sinemet with a piece of toast and coffee,. i was not nauseous but i did get brain foggy. I ate my breakfast 1 hour later.
i have also been taking my sinemet and having breakfast soon after getting up. But i read a recent post saying that if you feel ok you dont have to. I am stiff first thing upon rising but with walking a bit i can manage.
If i was going to make a schedule of when to eat my meals and protein what do you recommend? I am really not sure. I have been on sinemet for 2 years and have been taking it wrong for two years... that is why my dr kept increasing my dose..
EX; 7:30 eat breakfast.. when can i EAT? lunch/dinner?
9:00 meds
2:00 meds
7:00 meds