I seem to be constantly slick. Bronchitis first then now recovering from intestinal stomach flu. Wonder if either pd or the meds are working against immune system. So far have had to cancel my Neuro appts cause of constantly sick. Also cancelled two blood tests GPS ordered all because of being sick. Any input is appreciatd.
Does anyone have problems with lower immu... - Cure Parkinson's
Does anyone have problems with lower immunity to flu etc.?

hi opts well you cant keep putting things like your health off, as all of us who have pd have to keep pushing our selfs all the time so next time just say to your self i can do it and i bet you will if you try a little bit harder..anyway i have the same things as you so in the next few days im going to the doctors and ask him for some doxycycline its worth a try i know i will,regards.john.every day is a good day.
I agree! I’ve been down for days with the same illnesses. Very rarely do I get ill, but the last few months I’ve had some nasty viruses.
I have always had immune problems and caught everything that goes around. Colds are the worst and I almost always end up with bronchitis or pneumonia. My neurologist said lung problems can be part of Parkinson’s. However, since I started taking Amantadine, I have noticed a definite improvement in my health. My neurologist said that it was initially used as an antiviral med. it’s nice to know at least one med has a positive side effect!
Sounds even better! Thank you. I see my Neuro end of month hopefully..