Does anyone else have problems caused by ... - Cure Parkinson's
Does anyone else have problems caused by tremors in your lower jaw??

I have tremors in my lower jaw but they don't seem to bother me. I also have tremors down my whole left side.
Does the tremor in your jaw bother you?
Jeni, Yes, the tremor is quite pronounced, was causing excessive grinding down of my teeth. To counter this I started dropping the lower jaw sligtly. MISTAKE!! Parkie had been waiting for this, now made the tremor move from side to side. This caused the flap of skin which some men develop under their chin after puberty, (many years after puberty), to move back and forth with the tremors. Not painful but attracts more stares in public than a hand tremor.
Thanx for the response.
I know I have when I wake up in the morning I fill my jaw is very sore, not sure why.
You know what, don't worry about people staring at you in public, you have a disease and you can educate them on it. Education is so important with this disease for everyone. You can not just sit back and rely on your Dr. to do everything. People stare at me because of my tremor, if they ask I tell them. I am NOT going to hide at home, this is my world too!! It is ALL of ours....
I also have tremors in my lower jaw. In fact my jaw tremor along with a tremor in my right pinky finger were my first Parkinson's symptoms.
Jane, When you noticed that first small twitch in your right pinky finger, I'll bet you had no idea what you were in for.
Thanks for responding
You're right I had no idea! It was my pointy finger, my bad, not the pinky. I worked in a lock down ward for the mentally ill, first rule, ignore yourself or anything you may be feeling, pay attention to your surroundings or you may get hurt. So I didn't notice my symptoms, all I knew is that I was exhausted and went to bed early almost every night. More and more symptoms began showing up and before I knew it I was sitting in the office of Dr. Lee who told me she was pretty sure I had Parkinson's. That was 4 years ago and I still can't wrap my head around it!
Hi Jupiterjane ~ I started having tremors in my pinky fingers actually, about a year ago. They stopped after about a few weeks. Now I have tongue and jaw tremors, starting about 3 months ago, but no finger tremors. How long was it after your fingers started trembling before you started having other symptoms of parkinson's, if you don't mind me asking? (I haven't been diagnosed yet, but I feel shaky from the inside out and my father had parkinsons).
Prior to diagnosis and treatment, my whole mouth would have tremors. If I drank out of a glass, my teeth would chatter against the glass. At that point, I already had tremors bilaterally.
I now have a new problem that my neuro has no explaination for. My mouth will "suck" the sides of the jaw in and at night it seems that I will bite the areas. I have gone to chewing gum all day to keep from doing this. At night time I numb my mouth with orajel and use a sugar free cough drop and it seems to help some. It is very noticable to the people around me, but unless I think about it constantly, I cannot stop it. Has anyone else had this type of symptom?
Susie, Much of what you say hits home. I also suck the sides of my jaws in, probably from the habit of constantly gathering saliva to try to swallow. I bite the insides of my cheeks with teeth sharpened by grinding together during jaw tremors. You gum and cough drop ideas sound good.
Thank you
I do tire of always having gum in my mouth, but it does help with the problem. I have had friends upset that I sleep with a cough drop in my mouth, afraid that I might block the airway, I have done it for a while with no problem, but you might want to consider the risk.
My husband has jaw tremor , it also drops open and his tongue pokes , he then dribbles .the saliva which has gthered and not been swallowed . When he goes to bed I break up a fishermans friend and he sucks these as neccessary ..
Obviously the saliva collects in the throat which causes him to cough and choke at night when laying down ..
The latest thing we are trying is pineapple juice ,In fact I have just juiced up a can of pineapples in juice
I also have trouble with, at times, biting my cheeks. I chew gum alot to stay awake. Thanks for the hints.
To offset my mouth tremors and teeth grinding at night I put a "mouth piece" in my mouth. It's the same mouth piece athletes wear. I've had no problems sleeping with it and it prevents my teeth from wearing down. It also aids in preventing biting my cheeks.
I seem to recall pineapple is counter-indicated with PD meds. Suggest checking for side effects of meds and pineapple
I believe its sort of constant and I only see it and think about it when I look closely in a mirror such as when I am shaving my face. So it is a mild tremor compared to my resting hand tremor. Nobody has pointed at me and said, why is your chin moving like that, yet? LOL No problem to classify as troubling at this point, just the mild articulation deficit that is "normal" w/PD in the early stage such as my case.