Went to my neuro today for first time since starting B1. He asked if I was doing anything different because I was doing so well. I told him about the HST. I was afraid he would say it was hogwash, but no, he took down Dr Cs name and said he was going to google it and maybe start recommending the protocol to his patients! He. Said tremor much improved, awesome gait, very little cogwheeling compared to last visit. That’s in addition to no constipation and no more urinary issues.
First neuro visit after HDT protocol started - Cure Parkinson's
First neuro visit after HDT protocol started

please tell me the dosage and how long have you been taking B1
Awesome results and your doctor sounds wonderful! Lucky you all the way around! Thank you for posting your update, you never know who will see it or get motivated by it!

LOVE my neuro! He is such a gentle caring man and way cute too!
I have added your initial post above to the who is taking HDT thread as a reply to your results there because that thread is heavily followed and that will help to maximize exposure of your results and will illustrate your progress for those who are considering HDT! Thank you again for posting another update....they are useful and encouraging!
Wow, a rare doctor ! What state is he in ? More ?'s....can you share your protocol
I skimmed through your old posts, and gather you are doing other things too. Lastly, how long do you think you've had PD? Thanks !
And he recommends a high vitamin 12 protocol for hos patients with ALS. I just googled it ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/179...
What r u taking and how much
How did the Dr rule out that it wasn't the meds working it's magic over time? That's called using the scientific method.
Most impressive! And I had not thought or taking vitamin B1 in a 2 gram dose. What is the HDT protocol? I have found that N acetyl cysteine and Acetyl L carnitine together with 5 to 10 mg of lithium
has been very helpful in giving me temporary reduction of shaking. I am considering incorporating Dr John Gray's protocol from his Mars Venus website which is a comprehensive range of supplements and involving coming
off the Sinemet medication. The tricky bit I believe is coming off the medication and replacing it with Mucuna Pruriens. I live in the UK and need to locate a US-based Dr to monitor my progress.
Answers to "ALL" questions about HDT are here:
Welcome! easilly's link will explain how to go about implementing HDT in great detail. But for a really quick answer to your question: A neurologist in Italy began treating some of his patients with high levels of B1 (Thiamine) about 5 years ago. It can be administered via injection or orally. The oral dose depends on many factors but ranges from 500mg to as high as 6 grams a day. This is far beyond any normal dose and your doctor has probably never heard of it.
Many PWP, especially on this forum, have found some relief and benefits from it. Many here believe that it not only reduces symptoms, but it might halt PD's progression. I've personally improved several symptoms with it. I've tested it by stopping for 4 days and seeing my symptoms return. If it's just a placebo, it's a darn good one.
Dr Constantine treats patients in his clinic in Italy, and word-of-mouth has increased his practice to thousands of patients. He has theories about why it works and has published at least one study. However, B1 isn't patented so there is no money for additional research for now. Dr C has given many of us here advice for free via email. He makes no money from selling B1. It can be purchased from several sources.
You mention "Dr" John Gray, and I feel a need to caution you. First, he's not a doctor of anything. Second, we have only his word that he ever had "pre-Parkinson's" and that he "cured" himself with supplements (I see that he's now just claiming to have reversed his symptoms). He sells questionable products on his site for high prices (IMHO).
I think you will find after being on HDT for a long time that going off of it for 4 days will not produce any changes at all.It will take a much longer time period for the symptoms to start to return. The fact that it only took 4 days for your symptoms to start to return suggests that there is room for further improvement for you from HDT!

In my opinion, this depends a lot on personal sensitivity and personal ability to identify changes in yourself. If one on HDT suspends thiamine immediately starts to undergo its effects very very gradually, the point is in what and when it becomes aware of it. this is very personal. Valid both in descent and in improvement. Non-motor symptoms such as constipation are improved by HDT more linearly with a precise cause and effect ratio.