My feet have felt numb and tingly for a couple of years now not bad until the last 6 months. I just started taking 1000 mgs of B12 and 500mg of Vitamin C 7 days ago and now the numbness and pins and needles feeling has almost completely gone.
Do your feet feel tingly and numb. - Cure Parkinson's
Do your feet feel tingly and numb.

Thank you, Bailey. Will follow the advice you have given me. Will post when I see an improvement.
Hi Baily , that is how my Periphial Neuropathy started, my lower legs
are now semi numb which affects my walking and balance, I have not
tried B12 yet but I shall.
Well thank you very much. I have experienced what you have for about a year. I will up my intake of b12. I already ingest aaound 3 grams vit C daily.
My experience is worse than tingly and numb. My peripheral neuropathy is very painful. Legs from the knee down feel like they are burning and being pulsed with electric shocks about 8 times per second. This wakes me up at night. I take my next dose of Sinemet and wait for an hour (even on an empty stomach) until I can go back to sleep without the pain. The feelings go away when the Sinemet kicks in. I can still walk pretty well, even when my lower legs and feet have the burning sensations. I have had sonograms of my legs, looking for DVTs (clots) and nothing was found. My veins and arteries seem fine. I have tracked my oxygen saturation during the night using a pulse oximeter because I have some apnea. But that is treated with an oral appliance (like a retainer after you’ve had braces removed). One doctor said my Lyme disease is causing autonomic neuropathy and I should be having Gamma Globulin infusions via intravenous drip. I have done about 10 of those, but the pain marches onward.
Yeah. Thanks. I'll try again. I was worried that they might make things worse due to restricting blood from getting to the surface skin. I had a small fiber density biopsy which showed that peripheral nerves are dying off. Lower density at the ankles than the hip area. Unknown cause.
You can safely take more than 1 mg/day of B12. The most potent form of B12 is called methylcobalamin and considering gut issues absorption are common in the elderly use a sublingual form. I have used 5 mg/day sublingual for 5+ years. The following link discusses the safety of high dose B12: