After a day of stiff wobbly walking yesterday, (no I was not drinking 😕), and early to bed, today my thigh feels numb and it has been that way for a few days but I kept thinking I was imagining it. Today I noticed it felt cold and numb and everywhere I went the left side was colder than the right, as if air conditioning was always aiming at it. Hmmm ...I have never experienced this. Is it unusual or does anyone else experience this?
My thigh feels Numb and Cold: After a day... - Cure Parkinson's
My thigh feels Numb and Cold
I would suggest a visit to your GP and perhaps a MRI examination Lower Back & Pelvic Hip area.
My guess is pinched lumbar disc or damage malfunction upon or relating to the Sciatic nerves, or something more serious.
Thanks for the reply. It's not painful. Have had painful sciatic many years ago. Also had lumbar problems back then. But good advice. Will mention it to GP.
An increasing number of studies report aspects of alpha-synuclein in skin. Eg:
Thank you....I checked these out just after finding out my blood pressure is pretty low and has probably been that way for awhile. So what I read is making sense for orthostatic hypotension since I have most of the other symptoms as well. Thanks for being a dear and giving me input.