Has anyone tried lithium orotate for Parkinsons neuron protection?
Lithium orotate: Has anyone tried lithium... - Cure Parkinson's
Lithium orotate

I've been taking it for several months, but, as usual with my many supplements, can't tell if it has any effect. Not performing any long-term controlled experiments on myself. But if something unusual happens when I take the daily 5 mg tablet, say, e.g., I levitate off the ground, I'll be sure to report back
I've been looking into low dose of lithium orotate lately since it helps with B12 transport and other metabolic processes, however Li supplements have warnings regarding taking them with MAOI and I take 0.5 mg Rasagiline daily. Do you know of anybody on MAOI and supplementing lithium?
No, sorry, faridaro, I do not. I avoided this question or any other torturous question of drug interactions by ceasing to take Azilect and Sinemet 2 years ago, when I started the Hinz protocol of amino acids. Reviews of Azilect from this community give it a very mixed grade, varying from A to F:
On the other hand, low-dose lithium orotate (say 5 mg of elemental Lithium) , according to LIfe Enhancement website, is very safe and confers known benefits. If I had to chose between them, I would drop the Azilect and keep the lithium orotate. Also Azilect is very pricey--without insurance, it can run you $700 per month in the US. The cost-to-benefit ratio is a big question mark.
Are you still taking this Dumplekin? Have you noticed any improvement, thanks!
I am not taking the lithium orotate anymore--not that I have anything against it, but have become lazy about taking my full collection of supplements. Stopped taking Azilect 4 years ago. Focusing more on taking high dose thiamine every day, though I can't tell if it's having any effect. Dr. C. suspects it is benefiting me, but the jury is still out.
I've taken 130mg (5mg elemental) of lithium orotate a day for a couple of months. No discernable improvement in my symptoms (tremor, dystonia in my left foot). I do feel that it may improve my mood and energy level some.
I've been taking 10mg per day for a year and a half ... My personal experience is I went from embarrassing brain fog to several people telling me that I am "the smartest person they know" in 2 weeks time. No side effects.
Check out this book. There's a lot of information specifically pertaining to Parkinson's disease .
A friend's mom and one of her friends both got dementia, but her friend got it around 20 years ago and her daughter started giving her lithium orotate everyday. My friends mom got dementia about 12 years later and she did not take the lithium orotate. My friend's mom passed away about three years ago, her friend who is on the lithium orotate is still alive, but nearing the end of her path here on earth.
It is only an anecdote and proves nothing, but given the fairly good safety profile of low dose lithium orotate, an over the counter product, it certainly seems worth some consideration and research. One last thing about the lithium orotate as it affected my friend's mom's friend, her dementia, although it came on quickly, once she started on the lithium orotate, it developed extremely slowly from that point going forward, where my friends mom, even though developing dementia many years later than her friend, her dementia evolved quickly and her symptoms quickly surpassed her friend who was taking the lithium orotate. Again, just an anecdote because some people's dementia just seem to advance quicker than others.