valves are especially important in legs and arms....coincidentaly exercising calf muscles helps valves to pump blood against gravity.
valves are especially important in legs and arms....coincidentaly exercising calf muscles helps valves to pump blood against gravity.
inflammation is the immune system acting up, swelling is caused by deterioration of valves is depressed dopamine production a cause?
can happen to healthy young people just by sedentary lifestyle, bedridden, post surgery.....
No coincidence - active movements of leg and abdominal muscles are essential to move blood 'uphill'. Venous valves alone won't cope with gravity plus prolonged inactivity.
I feel like i'm fighting gravity. feeling disappears when I lay down.....think it's obvious I have a circulation problem.
I don't have varicose veins so it must be deep vein valves that are failing.
swollen right arm was initial sign...better now, not as swollen or as cold.
natural treatment of vein valves........links at bottom of article.
butchers broom a herb, contains neuroscognin, constricts veins...........makes me think that it mimes vasopressin a neurotransmitter or a hormone? caution.
Is lymphedema and swelling of legs a common PD symptom?