Robin Williams : Suicide was not likely a... - Cure Parkinson's

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Robin Williams

Bailey_Texas profile image
39 Replies

Suicide was not likely a easy decision for Robin for me it would be a hard but a possible way to end to my life when the time comes for me to leave. Not alone like Robin but with my sweet family and close friends around me. So they could remember me for who i am not the disease that has taken over my life. Please take the time to read it.

This is what my life is like

The terrorist inside my husband's brain

Susan Schneider Williams, BFA


Correspondence to S. Schneider Williams:

doi: http:/​/​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​1212/​WNL.​0000000000003162

Neurology September 27, 2016 vol. 87 no. 13 1308-1311

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I am writing to share a story with you, specifically for you. My hope is that it will help you understand your patients along with their spouses and caregivers a little more. And as for the research you do, perhaps this will add a few more faces behind the why you do what you do. I am sure there are already so many.

This is a personal story, sadly tragic and heartbreaking, but by sharing this information with you I know that you can help make a difference in the lives of others.

As you may know, my husband Robin Williams had the little-known but deadly Lewy body disease (LBD). He died from suicide in 2014 at the end of an intense, confusing, and relatively swift persecution at the hand of this disease's symptoms and pathology. He was not alone in his traumatic experience with this neurologic disease. As you may know, almost 1.5 million nationwide are suffering similarly right now.

Although not alone, his case was extreme. Not until the coroner's report, 3 months after his death, would I learn that it was diffuse LBD that took him. All 4 of the doctors I met with afterwards and who had reviewed his records indicated his was one of the worst pathologies they had seen. He had about 40% loss of dopamine neurons and almost no neurons were free of Lewy bodies throughout the entire brain and brainstem.

Robin is and will always be a larger-than-life spirit who was inside the body of a normal man with a human brain. He just happened to be that 1 in 6 who is affected by brain disease.

Not only did I lose my husband to LBD, I lost my best friend. Robin and I had in each other a safe harbor of unconditional love that we had both always longed for. For 7 years together, we got to tell each other our greatest hopes and fears without any judgment, just safety. As we said often to one another, we were each other's anchor and mojo: that magical elixir of feeling grounded and inspired at the same time by each other's presence.

One of my favorite bedrock things we would do together was review how our days went. Often, this was more than just at the end of the day. It did not matter if we were both working at home, traveling together, or if he was on the road. We would discuss our joys and triumphs, our fears and insecurities, and our concerns. Any obstacles life threw at us individually or as a couple were somehow surmountable because we had each other.

When LBD began sending a firestorm of symptoms our way, this foundation of friendship and love was our armor.

The colors were changing and the air was crisp; it was already late October of 2013 and our second wedding anniversary. Robin had been under his doctors' care. He had been struggling with symptoms that seemed unrelated: constipation, urinary difficulty, heartburn, sleeplessness and insomnia, and a poor sense of smell—and lots of stress. He also had a slight tremor in his left hand that would come and go. For the time being, that was attributed to a previous shoulder injury.

On this particular weekend, he started having gut discomfort. Having been by my husband's side for many years already, I knew his normal reactions when it came to fear and anxiety. What would follow was markedly out of character for him. His fear and anxiety skyrocketed to a point that was alarming. I wondered privately, Is my husband a hypochondriac? Not until after Robin left us would I discover that a sudden and prolonged spike in fear and anxiety can be an early indication of LBD.

He was tested for diverticulitis and the results were negative. Like the rest of the symptoms that followed, they seemed to come and go at random times. Some symptoms were more prevalent than others, but these increased in frequency and severity over the next 10 months.

By wintertime, problems with paranoia, delusions and looping, insomnia, memory, and high cortisol levels—just to name a few—were settling in hard. Psychotherapy and other medical help was becoming a constant in trying to manage and solve these seemingly disparate conditions.

I was getting accustomed to the two of us spending more time in reviewing our days. The subjects though were starting to fall predominantly in the category of fear and anxiety. These concerns that used to have a normal range of tenor were beginning to lodge at a high frequency for him. Once the coroner's report was reviewed, a doctor was able to point out to me that there was a high concentration of Lewy bodies within the amygdala. This likely caused the acute paranoia and out-of-character emotional responses he was having. How I wish he could have known why he was struggling, that it was not a weakness in his heart, spirit, or character.

In early April, Robin had a panic attack. He was in Vancouver, filming Night at the Museum 3. His doctor recommended an antipsychotic medication to help with the anxiety. It seemed to make things better in some ways, but far worse in others. Quickly we searched for something else. Not until after he left us would I discover that antipsychotic medications often make things worse for people with LBD. Also, Robin had a high sensitivity to medications and sometimes his reactions were unpredictable. This is apparently a common theme in people with LBD.

During the filming of the movie, Robin was having trouble remembering even one line for his scenes, while just 3 years prior he had played in a full 5-month season of the Broadway production Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, often doing two shows a day with hundreds of lines—and not one mistake. This loss of memory and inability to control his anxiety was devastating to him.

While I was on a photo shoot at Phoenix Lake, capturing scenes to paint, he called several times. He was very concerned with insecurities he was having about himself and interactions with others. We went over every detail. The fears were unfounded and I could not convince him otherwise. I was powerless in helping him see his own brilliance.

For the first time, my own reasoning had no effect in helping my husband find the light through the tunnels of his fear. I felt his disbelief in the truths I was saying. My heart and my hope were shattered temporarily. We had reached a place we had never been before. My husband was trapped in the twisted architecture of his neurons and no matter what I did I could not pull him out.

In early May, the movie wrapped and he came home from Vancouver—like a 747 airplane coming in with no landing gear. I have since learned that people with LBD who are highly intelligent may appear to be okay for longer initially, but then, it is as though the dam suddenly breaks and they cannot hold it back anymore. In Robin's case, on top of being a genius, he was a Julliard-trained actor. I will never know the true depth of his suffering, nor just how hard he was fighting. But from where I stood, I saw the bravest man in the world playing the hardest role of his life.

Robin was losing his mind and he was aware of it. Can you imagine the pain he felt as he experienced himself disintegrating? And not from something he would ever know the name of, or understand? Neither he, nor anyone could stop it—no amount of intelligence or love could hold it back.

Powerless and frozen, I stood in the darkness of not knowing what was happening to my husband. Was it a single source, a single terrorist, or was this a combo pack of disease raining down on him?

He kept saying, “I just want to reboot my brain.” Doctor appointments, testing, and psychiatry kept us in perpetual motion. Countless blood tests, urine tests, plus rechecks of cortisol levels and lymph nodes. A brain scan was done, looking for a possible tumor on his pituitary gland, and his cardiologist rechecked his heart. Everything came back negative, except for high cortisol levels. We wanted to be happy about all the negative test results, but Robin and I both had a deep sense that something was terribly wrong.

On May 28th, he was diagnosed with Parkinson disease (PD).

We had an answer. My heart swelled with hope. But somehow I knew Robin was not buying it.

When we were in the neurologist's office learning exactly what this meant, Robin had a chance to ask some burning questions. He asked, “Do I have Alzheimer's? Dementia? Am I schizophrenic?” The answers were the best we could have gotten: No, no, and no. There were no indications of these other diseases. It is apparent to me now that he was most likely keeping the depth of his symptoms to himself.

Robin continued doing all the right things—therapy, physical therapy, bike riding, and working out with his trainer. He used all the skills he picked up and had fine-tuned from the Dan Anderson retreat in Minnesota, like deeper 12-step work, meditation, and yoga. We went to see a specialist at Stanford University who taught him self-hypnosis techniques to quell the irrational fears and anxiety. Nothing seemed to alleviate his symptoms for long.

Throughout all of this, Robin was clean and sober, and somehow, we sprinkled those summer months with happiness, joy, and the simple things we loved: meals and birthday celebrations with family and friends, meditating together, massages, and movies, but mostly just holding each other's hand.

Robin was growing weary. The parkinsonian mask was ever present and his voice was weakened. His left hand tremor was continuous now and he had a slow, shuffling gait. He hated that he could not find the words he wanted in conversations. He would thrash at night and still had terrible insomnia. At times, he would find himself stuck in a frozen stance, unable to move, and frustrated when he came out of it. He was beginning to have trouble with visual and spatial abilities in the way of judging distance and depth. His loss of basic reasoning just added to his growing confusion.

It felt like he was drowning in his symptoms, and I was drowning along with him. Typically the plethora of LBD symptoms appear and disappear at random times—even throughout the course of a day. I experienced my brilliant husband being lucid with clear reasoning 1 minute and then, 5 minutes later, blank, lost in confusion.

Prior history can also complicate a diagnosis. In Robin's case, he had a history of depression that had not been active for 6 years. So when he showed signs of depression just months before he left, it was interpreted as a satellite issue, maybe connected to PD.

Throughout the course of Robin's battle, he had experienced nearly all of the 40-plus symptoms of LBD, except for one. He never said he had hallucinations.

A year after he left, in speaking with one of the doctors who reviewed his records, it became evident that most likely he did have hallucinations, but was keeping that to himself.

It was nearing the end of July and we were told Robin would need to have inpatient neurocognitive testing done in order to evaluate the mood disorder aspect of his condition. In the meantime, his medication was switched from Mirapex to Sinemet in an effort to reduce symptoms. We were assured Robin would be feeling better soon, and that his PD was early and mild. We felt hopeful again. What we did not know was that when these diseases “start” (are diagnosed) they have actually been going on for a long time.

By now, our combined sleep deficit was becoming a danger to both of us. We were instructed to sleep apart until we could catch up on our sleep. The goal was to have him begin inpatient testing free of the sleep-deprived state he was in.

As the second weekend in August approached, it seemed his delusional looping was calming down. Maybe the switch in medications was working. We did all the things we love on Saturday day and into the evening, it was perfect—like one long date. By the end of Sunday, I was feeling that he was getting better.

When we retired for sleep, in our customary way, my husband said to me, “Goodnight, my love,” and waited for my familiar reply: “Goodnight, my love.”

His words still echo through my heart today.

Monday, August 11, Robin was gone.

After Robin left, time has never functioned the same for me. My search for meaning has replicated like an inescapable spring throughout nearly every aspect of my world, including the most mundane.

Robin and I had begun our unplanned research on the brain through the door of blind experience. During the final months we shared together, our sights were locked fast on identifying and vanquishing the terrorist within his brain. Since then, I have continued our research but on the other side of that experience, in the realm of the science behind it.

Three months after Robin's death, the autopsy report was finally ready for review. When the forensic pathologist and coroner's deputy asked if I was surprised by the diffuse LBD pathology, I said, “Absolutely not,” even though I had no idea what it meant at the time. The mere fact that something had invaded nearly every region of my husband's brain made perfect sense to me.

In the year that followed, I set out to expand my view and understanding of LBD. I met with medical professionals who had reviewed Robin's last 2 years of medical records, the coroner's report, and brain scans. Their reactions were all the same: that Robin's was one of the worst LBD pathologies they had seen and that there was nothing else anyone could have done. Our entire medical team was on the right track and we would have gotten there eventually. In fact, we were probably close.

But would having a diagnosis while he was alive really have made a difference when there is no cure? We will never know the answer to this. I am not convinced that the knowledge would have done much more than prolong Robin's agony while he would surely become one of the most famous test subjects of new medicines and ongoing medical trials. Even if we experienced some level of comfort in knowing the name, and fleeting hope from temporary comfort with medications, the terrorist was still going to kill him. There is no cure and Robin's steep and rapid decline was assured.

The massive proliferation of Lewy bodies throughout his brain had done so much damage to neurons and neurotransmitters that in effect, you could say he had chemical warfare in his brain.

One professional stated, “It was as if he had cancer throughout every organ of his body.” The key problem seemed to be that no one could correctly interpret Robin's symptoms in time.

I was driven to learn everything I could about this disease that I finally had the name of. Some of what I learned surprised me.

One neuropathologist described LBD and PD as being at opposite ends of a disease spectrum. That spectrum is based on something they share in common: the presence of Lewy bodies—the unnatural clumping of the normal protein, α-synuclein, within brain neurons. I was also surprised to learn that a person is diagnosed with LBD vs PD depending on which symptoms present first.

After months and months, I was finally able to be specific about Robin's disease. Clinically he had PD, but pathologically he had diffuse LBD. The predominant symptoms Robin had were not physical—the pathology more than backed that up. However you look at it—the presence of Lewy bodies took his life.

The journey Robin and I were on together has led me to knowing the American Academy of Neurology and other groups and doctors. It has led me to discover the American Brain Foundation, where I now serve on the Board of Directors.

This is where you come into the story.

Hopefully from this sharing of our experience you will be inspired to turn Robin's suffering into something meaningful through your work and wisdom. It is my belief that when healing comes out of Robin's experience, he will not have battled and died in vain. You are uniquely positioned to help with this.

I know you have accomplished much already in the areas of research and discovery toward cures in brain disease. And I am sure at times the progress has felt painfully slow. Do not give up. Trust that a cascade of cures and discovery is imminent in all areas of brain disease and you will be a part of making that happen.

If only Robin could have met you. He would have loved you—not just because he was a genius and enjoyed science and discovery, but because he would have found a lot of material within your work to use in entertaining his audiences, including the troops. In fact, the most repeat character role he played throughout his career was a doctor, albeit different forms of practice.

You and your work have ignited a spark within the region of my brain where curiosity and interest lie and within my heart where hope lives. I want to follow you. Not like a crazed fan, but like someone who knows you just might be the one who discovers the cure for LBD and other brain diseases.

Thank you for what you have done, and for what you are about to do.

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Bailey_Texas profile image
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39 Replies
jeffreyn profile image


Thanks very much for the post.

When you say "This is what my life is like", are you now thinking that you might have LBD rather than PD?


Bailey_Texas profile image
Bailey_Texas in reply tojeffreyn

No just rang true for me.

lempa_nik profile image

. . . a beautiful and touching testimony . . . tears are running out of my eyes.

We here have seemed to avoid discussion about PD and dementia but it is time we discussed it openly. Thanks for posting this Bailey. After I read this I started searching for more information and was surprised by new info that I found. There are really two topics discussed in your post that we have let lie quietly that need more open discussion .

LBD and suicide It does us no good to leave them in the shadows.

honeycombe3 profile image
honeycombe3 in reply to

Hi GymBag,

You are quite right there are indeed 2 issues in question & they should both be given rigorous debate. I will confine myself to suicide as this has been a major factor in my positive attitude which is frequently commented on.

I don't understand why we don't celebrate leaving this world as we do entering it. Surely a planned death arranged when we are still fit & mentally capable is preferable to being left to the vagaries of others who are 'caring' for us?

I want to plan the celebrations of which my death will be part: I don't want those decisions made on my behalf by someone I may or may not know.

Having made this decision to give myself choice - to empower myself - I may never make use of it. It is incredibly liberating to have the freedom to make that decision.

TheresaCurley profile image
TheresaCurley in reply tohoneycombe3

I am so very torn by this subject. I do not want to be a burden on my son and his family ever! But I have another son who did commit suicide because he was having mental issues and had Sarcoidosis and was convinced he was losing his brain to this disease. He was only 37 and left a 4 year old daughter. I couldn't begin to tell you the agony his suicide has put on our family. It was almost 6 years ago and it still rips my heart to pieces to think of it. His daughter is growing up not knowing her father. I just pray that the Lord will take me when I get incapacitated and not leave it up to me.

Serenity_finaly-1 profile image
Serenity_finaly-1 in reply toTheresaCurley

I am so sorry for your loss. I have been dealing with the other side of the situation, Grandparents who went from being the bed rock of the families to needing physical help and more to the issue mental problems for the last 5 years of life. We have been able to improve the life expectancy of millions but not with the quality of life that they would want to carry on.

kommandokate profile image
kommandokate in reply toTheresaCurley

Amen..your prayer and mine are the same...that Jesus will take me. My quadriplegic brother committed suicide and my ex Marine PTSD son has made several attempts!!!

grower profile image
grower in reply tohoneycombe3

"celebrate leaving this world". What a wonderful way of putting it Honeycombe, I've never heard it said that way before. After watching my mother have to starve herself to death because the medical means of helping her leave were not legal I'm a strong supporter of legalised euthenasia. Surely we all live in societies that are civilised enough to set up a good system that will not be misused, doctors who don't agree with it won't have to do it. I often hear in places where it is legal that most people in the situation to make use of it don't choose to, but feel such comfort knowing that option is there.

My wife has promised me she will help me go if I'm incapacitated and can't do it myself but I worry at the legal implications for her, and how hard that would be. SO much better to have a celebration with family, say our goodbyes and leave a good feeling.

Robbo1 profile image

As a carer for my husband, who has Parlinsons/PSP, my heart goes out to you. These diseases stretch everyone to the limit. Well done you for your research and positivity. Robin was a favourite with my husband and myself. God bless him and you, for your devotion and love. X

Enidah profile image

Thank you for posting this Bailey. It is so damn sad. I too have thought about the end of this journey and dread causing my children pain and uncertainty. I'm sure that's why we don't discuss it much because we can't know or have a clue about how all this will end. I am certainly hoping to keep my wits about me. But I also am going to try to plan in case I don't. I hope to alleviate the worst of the burden for my family by having a care plan and somewhere I know I can live. I'm sure we all are conscious about cognitive function and are trying to track it. It is certainly one of the most frightening things to lose.

p-p- profile image

T hank you Mrs. Williams for sharing your story about yourself and Robin. Also I have Parkinson's, vascular disease,mini strokes,and recently seizures. I am 73 years old (female) and by chance found a genius doctor named Dr. Fernando Pagan at Georgetown University Research Hospital. He had helped me beyond belief ! A little background of Dr. Pagan. He and Dr. Moussa have come up with a cure to Parkinson's. It all started with Dr. Moussa rats that had Parkinson's. He fed the rats a small dose of an anti-leukemia (brand name Tasigna ) for 6 months at the end all the rats were cured of Parkinson's. The next step was to try a small dosage of this drug to patients.After trying a small dose of this drug, 12 patients the outcome was one was able to speak another was able to walk again. The list goes on and on of cures.Dr. Pagan is now in the 2nd trial of this medication. Since this is a Re-purpose drug, the University obtained the Patent. Dr. Pagan and other neurologists volunteer. No one on this project is paid. Dr. Pagan has said, " I do not want money,only to treat and cure my patients " Hence you can see from my stand point as a patient that I am going to any lengths to help myself and others. I am trying to obtain grants and other sources to obtain the solution of this disease. You may already know that in some cases Parkinson's can lead to dementia and Alzheimer. So we must fight and go on ! We must be positive and help others by giving them hope ! p.s. The research Dr. Pagan has done has hit national and international news. Other researchers as it appears are not only interested but are curious and want to partake in the solution as well. Well Mrs. Williams, I have only giving you a glimpse of this discovery. The doctors themselves can better explain this discovery.Feel free to contact the neurology dept. at Georgetown University Research Hospital in D.C. Also if I can be a support to you I would be glad to help. Sincerely, Pam Cota email or phone : 301-530-8283 Be brave ! God Bless !

JohnPepper profile image

Hi Bailey. This was addressed, I assume, to doctors. I would like to align myself with the symptoms and the train of events that led up to Robin taking his life. If my symptoms had carried on the way his did, I am sure I would have taken my life also.

In 1992, after 29 years of ever-increasing symptoms, I had to give up my work, because I just could not carry on. I resigned as Chairman (President) of a business, which my late wife and I had started 22 years earlier. The business outgrew me and my abilities. People were using my symptoms to worm me out of the business. They did not know I had Pd, neither did I. They only knew that I was not doing my job properly and was making bad decisions and making peculiar pronouncements. I saved them all the trouble, when I resigned. I did myself a favour and my company a favour.

For the next 2 years I wallowed in my own misery. In 1994, my neurologist changed my medication and I took hold of myself and started to take a positive attitude towards my own future. I started to do FAST WALKING and saw an immediate improvement in my own condition. That carried on for 8 years, at which time I was able to stop taking medication and my symptoms were no longer visible to anybody, other than a trained neurologist.

What has happened since then is rather confusing. The medical world and the Pd world wrote me off as a fraud or a misdiagnosed individual, neither of which is true. I have recovered from most of the symptoms of Pd, although I still have Pd, the symptoms are not what they used to be.

Instead of properly investigating my case, I am hampered from helping others at every turn. Instead of doing a trial on what I have done, what I have done is being ignored. I cannot believe that highly trained medical men and women can be so blind and hidebound to be unable to accept that what has happened to me is real and exciting.

I will continue, at the age of nearly 82, to tell other patients about the benefits of fast walking and to help all those, who battle to walk properly, to overcome that deficit and start the fast walking.

Serenity_finaly-1 profile image
Serenity_finaly-1 in reply toJohnPepper

When I did research on Parkinson's and exercise the consensus was aerobic was the best for rewiring let's call it. I seemed to have stopped the physical but the non motor symptoms continued. I see the benefits of fast walking but what about your experience with non motor problems?

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply toSerenity_finaly-1

Hi Hal. There comes the rub. I have never claimed not to have anymore symptoms. I still have insomnia, constipation, chest infections caused by the phlegm not being carried out of the lungs, memory, word finding, swallowing, fading voice, bad posture, biting my lips and tongue, brushing my teeth and a whole lot more. But I have been able to overcome many of these problems. Because of the exercise, mainly, I live a 'normal' lofe now, medication free. What medication overcomes insomnia for instance? I have overcome it because I no longer fight it. If I am unable to stay asleep, I get up and do something interesting and come back to bed when I get tired. I take away the stress from not sleeping and make full use of that time.

I am now able to have a bowel motion almost every day, but still have to resort to a laxative about once every six weeks, when circumstances bring about the situation that I am not able to get to a toilet easily, such as flying long dstances.

There are many ways I have found of taking away the problems associated with many of the symptoms.

Serenity_finaly-1 profile image
Serenity_finaly-1 in reply toJohnPepper

Yes. I find that I have a similar story. I was so into exercise that I started testosterone therapy. I was so excited by the results l offered to do a couple of spots to promote this therapy. I became very aware that the motor symptoms are way easier to address than the non motor. It sounds to me that it was the non motor symptoms that plagued you and caused you to loose your business. What are you doing for your mental health.

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply toSerenity_finaly-1

Hi Hal. I keep myself busy answering emails mainly, relating to my book and this website. I also read every night before I go to sleep and do a lot of reading on Pd.

Yes, making a fool of myself in public trying to address a meeting of Stock Brokers and Bankers was quite a challenge. Monthly board meetings had me very stressed and as a result, stammering and stuttering. I was very busy in those days writing updates programs for my business ad I tended to concentrate on them instead of running the company. The programs were my comfort zone.

Serenity_finaly-1 profile image
Serenity_finaly-1 in reply toJohnPepper

So what you are saying is that by making a stress free environment your mental health doesn't need to be addressed? No anxiety no over emotional outbursts, also no pain?

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply toSerenity_finaly-1

Hi Hal. No. I did not intimate that at all. The removal of the stress of being the head of my company made a huge difference to my symptoms. They did not worry me as much as they had. I have heard lots of like stories from other patients about stress.

I find that my emotional outbursts are less frequent and are not as irrational as they had been before. I used to get all up-tight about the most inconsequential things, now I still become irrational but not without a little bit of justification.

I still have anxieties, but not on the scale they were when I was still in charge of the company.

What pain do you get? I cannot say I have had any pain I could say happens because of my Pd.

Serenity_finaly-1 profile image
Serenity_finaly-1 in reply toJohnPepper

I am not trying to be difficult. Just informed.

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply toSerenity_finaly-1

No Problem.

Serenity_finaly-1 profile image
Serenity_finaly-1 in reply toJohnPepper

I have various muscle pain but I have so much anxiety that my back would tie up in knots. It took a couple of years to come to that conclusion . I am now on antianxiety meds to relax my back.

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply toSerenity_finaly-1

I would imagine that muscles continuously in spasm would be very painful. Is there no way of consciously relaxing your muscles through Eastern Practices? I struggle with taking medication on an onging basis.

Serenity_finaly-1 profile image
Serenity_finaly-1 in reply toJohnPepper

Not really,my left side is much more muscular than the right.

grower profile image
grower in reply toJohnPepper

Very good thing you don't have Lewy Body Dementia John, I think that's a whole different story to "normal" PD

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply togrower

Agreed! But what if he had heard about fast walking? I know he did lots of exercise, but is that fast walking? Did he ever consider ridding himself of the stress in his life, even so far as giving up his job? There are mre questions that answers.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply toJohnPepper

Are you saying Fast walking and stress reduction could have reversed Robin Williams symptoms?

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply toHikoi

Hi Hikoi. You do love to bait me. How can I say that without actually having spoken to him. As a general rule, I would say that fast walking will help everybody become a lot fitter and healthier. I did not know Robin at all, but I did see him on the screen as an actor, and that is not the same.

From what I gather, Robin had serious depression and fast walking definitely helps depression, but that is not what you are asking. Will it have helped Lewey Body Disease? I don't know.

To clarify, I am not saying yet that I am for or against suicide, it is not nor will it ever be that clear and it will always be a grey area, complicated. The Canadian federal government is allowing assisted suicide in some situations and there have been one or two that have been discussed openly. Every one has an opinion, the bible is quoted, some doctors refuse, others may specialize, some people are kept alive at great expense by family that mean well.

There are deceases much worse than PD or LBD and mistakes are made. But I do not want to be a burden, I said I would not be and I am, but I am not done fighting yet.

My niece was 17 ,an Ontario scholar, spent most of the last year of high school in the hospital mental ward. Played 6 or 7 musical instruments and sports . She scored in the low 90,s on her exams and had been excepted with full scholarship at 4 top universities. She had just announced that she was gay and everybody accepted that. Then she was diagnosed as schizophrenic and one week later left us forever on Good Friday.

grower profile image
grower in reply to

very sorry for your loss

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to

How sad about your niece Gymbag

in reply toHikoi

I was angry that she took it upon herself, I still am I suppose. I realize I have no idea what pain and fear she suffered. She always thought life was a contest and she enjoyed giving me a hard time. Her favorite phrase "your fired" . I have 18 nieces and nephews , she was my favorite. Strong, smart, caring independent , knowledgeable, talented and gifted and she wanted to make a difference in the field of mental health and help others, she wanted to be normal . So how does someone who is a certified genius at the highest level belongs to Mensa and frequently talks to others like herself, make such a mistake. The music they played at her funeral was "The day the music died / American Pie "

We thought it was under control. We ask why, what more should we , could we have done. No answer, never will be an answer of course and the loss and grief will never end. I tell this story in the hope that anyone considering suicide will think again about the others they are leaving behind,If you are contemplating ending it, talk to others first and get their opinion , you may be wrong, dead wrong.

Along, long time ago ,I can still remember


Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to

If only, if only -

though acute pain may pass

there is always that hole

that gap that loss leaves behind ......

and the questions remain.....

The tears come for you .. for Theresa ...

... and humble gratitude that I have not trod this path

Saffybell profile image

How good is it that you have a sweet family to help you it s tough trying to deal with your disease I do hope you will be fine I hope

Hikoi profile image

Thanks for posting Bailey

There is such a difference between secretive unexpected suicide and planned leaving with others involved. Saw this film on the plane coming home from WPC. Very touching. About assisted dying .

JohnPepper profile image

Hi Hikoi. Please excuse my very terse response. I cannot find your last post here but am responding to that.

The Eldepryl I took for 8 years played a very important part in my recovery. How much, I could not tell, but I was unable to stay off it on the two occasions I tried. As to all the other things I did, like stress management, attitude adjustment and mental stimulation, who can tell? They all played a part. To do a trial on what I have achieved would be very difficult, but maybe not impossible.


Retireat64 profile image

So very sad. A brilliant, talented ma. He intertained all of us, one of the funniest actors ever. God bless you for being his partner and soulmate.

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My husband is beginning down this path. Heartbreaking!

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