I am reading a book titled “the brain’s way of healing”, by Norman Doidge. He is considered the next Oliver Sacks, although he is a psychiatrist. You may have heard of his first book, “the brain that changes itself”. Both books are about the plasticity of the brain.
In that second book he writes about a man who has PD for the last 30 years. One day he came up with a thought that changed his life forever: “If my illness prevents me from walking, then I could use my mind to it”. In other words, he learned how to walk from scratch, like an infant. That way he forced his brain to bypass the substancia nigra area where dopamine is produced and “assign” the kinetic job to another part of his brain. It took him time, effort and an 8 mile walking every other day. Now, at 77, he can walk better than a healthy 40yr old person.
Bottom line, PD is a multifactor illness, that cannot be treated with medication only. It requires an holistic approach, where attitude and strong will play a significant role. We need to change our lifestyle so as to adopt healthier habits. We need to address our stress problems, because stress is he trigger for every illness. We need to bring pleasure in our everyday routine. Do things we like, not just things we have to. Be with people we love and stay away from toxic behaviors.
I wish you all a pleasant weekend.