How can i leave from flare?
Suffering from ulcerative colits - Crohn's and Colit...
Suffering from ulcerative colits
You need to speak to your GP or if you are under a gastroenterology team at your hospital then you should have IBD nurses. They are the people who will advise you in terms of increasing or changing your medication and if need be, they will give you steroids for 8 weeks to suppress the flare. We are all different in terms of medications etc so you must speak to someone at your end who will help.
Hi there MuhammadSaifullahSorry to hear you are in a flare up of your Colitis, I expect you been to your Doctor, and that you are probably under a hospital consultant. I think you should ask to be referred back to your Consultant if your symptoms aren't being controlled. There are so many medications to treat this condition but sometimes getting one that suits you is a matter of trial and error.
It isn't easy being so young and having this condition which can often be embarrassing due to people's lack of understanding but be assured that you can live quite a full life, I've had it for 50 years so take heart.
Good luck