Does anybody have any experience of using nicotine replacement therapy or have evidence of its efficacy in treating the symptoms of UC?
Replies appreciated, kind ones John
Does anybody have any experience of using nicotine replacement therapy or have evidence of its efficacy in treating the symptoms of UC?
Replies appreciated, kind ones John
I belong to another UC forum & many tried this & it did not help them one bit.
Thanks for your reply. This has only been researched a little probably as those who usually find research such as drug companies can't make.money out of something they cannot patent. This is also perhaps a reflection of how little the condition like other bowel disorders are prioritised and funded by health services, the National Health Service in England as an example. I not symptom free and have reduced pain, mucous, blood and frequency of defecation, but now get 'cravings' if not wearing a patch. Tried vaping bit my smokers lungs would not tolerate and that has its own known and yet to.be discovered could concerns.
Hi, thanks for your reply. All new treatments should be considered with caution of course and alongside expert advice. I have had some success alongside Pentasa with a NRT patch. I started this in frustration at waiting X2 years for a consultant and seen once and now have not had any follow-up. Each of us are unique with this illness and the research indicates that NRT patches are most effective with those who smoked for many years before, at a particular dose and alongside other treatments such as Pentasa granules.
Hi John,My UC started as soon as I gave up smoking so I’m sure there was something in cigarettes that mask any symptoms.I take Pentasa daily and also use a vape which I’m sure helps with my symptoms.
When I tried a lower dose of nicotine I found my UC to get worse.
Coincidence? Maybe and there is no hard evidence though the American websites seem to discuss this more freely.
Take good care