Has anyone tried intermittent fasting to assist with the symptoms of crohns? Currently on methotrexate injections once a week after little success with mercaptopurine tablets daily and intolerant to imuran. Looking at the fasting to try and manage pain mainly but also to rest the gut between 2000hrs-12 midday and see if my symptoms improve. Anyone out there tried this ?
Intermittent fasting for crohns? - Crohn's and Colit...
Intermittent fasting for crohns?

I have Crohn's and have have had times when I have gone on to pureed food only, for periods of time. Sometimes seems to help. Get very fatigued and would not like to have no nutrients at all.
Me too, just trying to find a possible alternative from liquid/puréed diet (which works well for me but not very social when trying to get out to tea with others etc). I’m going to do it for 4 weeks at first and give it a try. Initial stages seem to have greatly increased pain and fatigue but we will see how we go, got to be in it to win it !
When I was referred out to a dietitian, it was suggested to try a liquid only diet (Ensure Plus Drinks) for up to 6 weeks for my chrons, I have struggled to get more than a week without solids - its actually (I found) very difficult.
Before you go liquid, discuss with the IBD team - I was/still am on Ensure Plus as is has a full range of nutrients
I am under dietetics only as not allowed any form of immunosuppressants due to cancer, which was 90% likely to have been caused by Vedolizumab. Was put on Modulin only for 10 weeks and my Calprotectin went down to normal. Still take half a tin a day for nutrients and have to have a mainly soft diet because of strictures. Without food I dont get the pain with food it depends on what I eat and its a matter of keeping a record of what food seems to trigger a reaction. Its hard but believe me its better than what I have had to go through with two bouts of cancer in the last 13 months. Good luck hope you find something that works for you,
We don’t have IBD support teams/nurses or anything like that where I live, it is just the surgeon and gp, so just trying to work things out over the years as you go. I found resource better than ensure but still soooo monotonous and bland to try and stick to for more than a couple of months.
Thanks, it is great to hear from everyone , wishing you good health and the next 13 months being better than the last 13.
Hi there. Sounds interesting. Me, I would not try it. I know by now , after 15-16 years what I do & should not eat in times of a flare up. The biggest risk is that you might not get enough vitamines & minerals in times you need them most, and you need to take in more since your bowel is not capable to absorb these vitamines and minerals as good as normal .
What works for me is not 3 times a day eating but spread out through the day. So maybe 7-8 moments a day I Will eat small portions and small spoons of food to overcome taking in too much " air" .
I would rather try out sth when your Crohn is under control.
First week only fibres, second week add fats to it, 3th week add sugars etc. This way you might find out what irritates your bowel most. I did that 5 years ago. I will try to find the link for the right procedure.
Its very interesting and it might surprise you what food irritates you most. Many of us have besides IBD also IBS. The tricker each other.
All the best and keep us posted about your diet 👍👍
Thanks, that is great advice, especially the lack of absorption. What has historically worked best is a mouthful of food every twenty / thirty mins all day long or full meal replacement so potentially the fasting is at odds with that. I think potentially you get so desperate you will try anything! I do agree with you re:what flares you up, so different for everyone.
So far I have seen a definite improvement in bowel habits/control but big increase in pain and very lacking in energy.