Hi all, happy bank holiday! I've been newly diagnosed with ulcerative colitis after a 10 day hospital stay with an emergency admission for a and e due to stomach cramps and going to the toilet nearly every half hour and I wasn't keeping anything down me, even water was going straight through so I ended up with IV antibiotics and steroids and fluids. Took away oral steriods to take for next 4 weeks and taped down by a tablet each week but I left with no maintenance plan which according to the ibd nurse I spoke to on Friday was not on and is trying to get me an emergency appointment with consultant but that can't be guaranteed for tomorrow or the following week! But I'm getting to the point where the cramps are keeping me up at night and went to the loo 3 times within the hour but thankfully settled down today but I feel so drained. Is this normal?
Newly diagnosed: Hi all, happy bank... - Crohn's and Colit...
Newly diagnosed

Hi sorry to hear about your diagnosis and hopefully you get the treatment sorted that you need. Did you have underlying symptoms or did this come out of they blue? I’m getting my colonoscopy on 23rd and stool sample shown inflammation. The aches and pains i get all over my body are unreal tho 🙈
I had a similar event took place 4 year ago and my records show from camera view then I had colitis but nothing was followed up. Been back and forth to gp for nearly 2 years saying I wasn't right, u too get all over body aches and get really cold where my skin hurts if that makes sense and uncontrollable fatigue. Then with recent admission my bloods and stool sample shown inflammation, hopefully I'll know the extent of mine soon. Thanks for replying x
As you are loosing so much fluid, with each episode on the loo, were you advised to take rehydration fluid, I have Crohn's Disease and take Dioralyte, whenever I have a flare, this mayl help a bit with the drained feeling. You could ask your GP to check your bloods for things like B12 levels, I take VitD and have B12 injections, as the latter not being absorbed properly, some of your vits and salts etc may well be out of kilter. When you get to see the Consultant again, worth asking to be ref. to a dietitian for advice on best foods to eat when this bad. Wishing you the best.