I have spent all year thinking I'm a failure because I can't get the better of this decease, that I'm not giving myself chance to heal. Time to be kind to myself and except I'm ill. All my life I've had to keep going regardless how I felt, because my family depended on me and I'm still doing it. It is time for me no one else, time to be kind to me!
I'm not a failure, I'm ill! - Crohn's and Colit...
I'm not a failure, I'm ill!
It is time for you to tell your family that it is time for them to return the favour and support you. As someone who has had Crohn's for 30 years, I can tell you overdoing it, putting yourself under stress, letting fatigue get the better of you will make life worse. If you can start to chart your days for a time, and work out how much rest you need each day in order to not make a flare happen, you will make life easier. I managed eventually to get back to work, but could only manage 3 days a week, in order to do this I had to sleep for 2 of the remaining days, or my body rebelled. Coming to terms with this sort of life changing illness is not easy, but it can be done with help from family and friends. Good Luck
its hard though been in a new job for 3 1/2 months and I was really doing well at it, but now have to except that maybe I will have to give it up. It is a very demanding job , but don't want the stress of having to find something else that pays enough. Unfortunately have no one to support me
When I thought I was nearly good enogh to try working again, I did a part time voluntary job, simple and in a shop, so little stress. I impressed the interviewer for the "proper job" that I had proved what I could manage in the way of time, without relapsing. Worth a thought, I find now that I cannot even manage all the housework, unless feeling very good, so I am using this as a form of home physiotherapy, although I do hate all housework!!
yes housework is something I struggle with, I'm thinking of getting a cleaner, that's if I keep my job.