Due to rectal bleeding my GP sent me for a colonoscopy which I had today. It turns out I have UC and I never knew. Apparently I'm currently having a flare up hence the bleeding.
Ulcerative Colitis: Due to rectal... - Crohn's and Colit...
Ulcerative Colitis

If you get the right treatment it can be successfully controlled. I have been in remission for 19 years thanks to Asacol. You might need to try a few before you find one that works for you.
Shoeysmum -- Did the doctor give you information about a good diet for people with UC? After two serious UC flares, I follow the guidelines, and am in remission. It isn't easy for me to avoid some of my favorite foods and beverages, but it's well worth it. I'd like to share one thing my doctor didn't tell me, but I learned from reading books on UC. Drinking iced beverages slows digestion. I didn't know that, but now that I know, I avoid cold drinks and iced beverages.
No cold drinks or potato skins? Boy do I have a lot to learn. Maybe if I try to google Crohns diet I can get some info.
I was just diagnosed and have zero information till end of this month.
It devastated me when I found out I have UC, 3 weeks ago today, and I'm still devastated. The only advice on diet I was given is that jacket potato skins are a no-no and that I should beware of anything with seeds in such as tomatoes.
I hope you get way much better dietary advice than I've been given.
Thank you Shoeysmum, I hoping to get fast tracked on this disease, before the actual reality of it sets in. Although I been dealing with IBS for a long time, I'm still numb about the crohns. I'm obviously doing all the wrong things.
Wishing you all the best. I will share anything I learn at my appt at end of month.
No jaykay, I wasn't given any information about diet, except for the fact that it's a very individual thing. However, the IBD nurse - the only person to give me info on diet - did say not to eat the skin from jacket potatoes. I adore the skin!
If you could share something about this I'd appreciate it. And thanks for taking the time to respond
i agree the skin on a potato is the best part lol. i do not have any fibre in my diet when i am in a flare up. and its great. the lack of fibre reduces the wind, which causes me a great amount of pain.
my problem is i dare not start to eat fibre in case i cause a flare up. and the alternative diet causes me to gain weight, which is something i can do without. over weight and no pain is the only thing that i can do.
Eat no more than 2grams of fiber
hi shoeysmum, i hope you don’t mind me writing on an old post. I just stumbled across it after searching for some info… i sound similar to you.. although yet to be diagnosed. I’ve been having rectal bleeding for 8 weeks now. Know pain or any other symptoms.. apart from one raised stool sample… but then the other was back down again.
I was just curious as to wether you ever had any other symptoms?
and how are you doing now?
Many thanks xx
Hi Ktlo3107
I don't know how but I completely missed your questions from 10 months ago so I apologise for such a late reply.
The blood loss was the only symptom I had initially; that and the fact that each time I sat on the loo to pee my bum blew a sort of raspberry and spattered the toilet bowl with blood. (Obviously sitting on a toilet seat is bound to open your sphincter ) I didnt have any pain at all before my diagnosis which was via a colonoscopy. However the colonoscopy gave me my first ever flare up which was accompanied by abdominal pain.
Almost 21 months later and I'm having another flare up, only my second so I guess I shouldn't complain.
I do hope you got your diagnosis and that your condition is being successfully treated xx