Hi all! This might be a long one, but bare with me because I could really do with some feedback.
I was diagnosed with Colitis in 2009 after multiple hospitalisations with amoebic dysentery when I was living in South East Asia. That was all horrible for a while, but it came under control after hospitalisation thanks to Masalazine and I've only had two flares since, all great so far. However, I've had such a heap of other health issues since then and I feel like I have too many different diagnoses to all have happened separately; the maths just doesn't add up for me. So here's what's on my various medical notes:
- Ulcerative Colitis with ileum involvement
- Enteropathic spondyloarthropathy
- Fibromyalgia
- Asthma
- Chronic dyspepsia
- Recurring achilles bursitis
- Reynauds
On top of that, in the last year and a half I've developed a really extreme reaction to viruses. At the end of 2014 it was cold > chest infection > asthma flare > insomnia > pleurisy (yes the Victorian illness) > fibro-flare. This year it was cold > sinus infection > asthma flare > insomnia > chostochondritis (apparently) > fibro-flare > major reflux causing gland problems, loss of voice (for 3 months), and my chest is still painful after 4 months.
Because of the chest problems my GP referred me back to the rheumy, who ignored the chest problems and was like 'yup firbo', but I just don't feel like I can have all of these problems separately. Surely there's something that connects them all? I also notice that I have a really blotchy face, which I used to put down to hormones, but I'm 28, so that's pretty unrealistic.
So my questions are:
- Does anyone else have a plethora of different diagnoses like this?
- Does anyone know what this is on my face? It's worse after a shower, but that's all I have worked out.
- Can my full blood count look normal if something else is going on?
- Does anyone else never have a fever, even with confirmed severe lung infection? My GP suggested it could be the mesalazine but I can't find any info about this anywhere.