The first time I did the couch to 5k plan I did it in the planned 9 weeks and was finding it really tough towards the end. I just stopped jogging as soon as I had finished it.
This time around I'm taking it more slowly, from week for onwards I have being doing each week twice, I think I did week 5 three times. If I can only run twice in a week I don't beat myself up about it, I just repeat that week again. I'm currently on week 8 and finding it really managable, I'm not dreading the runs as I was at this point first time around. I think taking the plan more slowly is allowing it to become a real routine rather than just trying to acheive a goal. The progress you feel when improving every week is quite addictive and gives you a real high, making you want to keep pushing through.
The next battle will be keeping the plan up during the summer when I have finished the plan and trips, weddings and holidays keep breaking my flow - that was one of the factors that made stop last year. I'll take my trainers with me when its realistic but it's going to be a test to see if I can keep focused when my routine is all over the place.
Really want it to stick this time!