is it safe to run in the snow?: - Couch to 5K
is it safe to run in the snow?
It probably depends on how good your balance is and how quick you can react to slipping and sliding! A decent pair of trail shoes will probably help. Fresh snow will be fine but icy compacted slow will require careful navigating.
And on the time of day. If its actually still falling and the terrain is flat it may be ok. If it has had time to freeze you are probably best avoiding it. I think speed is important too. I was ok earlier on today when I was doing a very slow ploddy jog along flat ground and the snow was soft.
I love running in the snow. Snow spikes on over old trainers, warm hat and gloves too. I go early in the mornings and without music so I can hear the birds shouting at each other and at me for that matter for disturbing their early morning. Forest tracks are the best (in my opinion) to run on but not everyone is lucky enough to have these. Grass verges are also good and less likely to have icy patches. Just keep your speed down and enjoy.
Can you wear yak trax or other snow spikes when there are patches of snow but also bare Tarmac? Would you possibly injure yourself running on Tarmac in them?
I think you would wear down the spikes more quickly using on tar. I always take mine off at the front door, never walk on floors with them on.
Thank you everyone for all your advice. As i don't have spikes or trax (not sure what that even is) I have decided to play safe and stick to my exercise bike whille the snow and ice is out...although the beautiful blue skies this morning are very tempting.....a walk is definitely in order....
I'd agree with all the above - it depends! Snow is a very variable thing, as it footwear and, very importantly, as Mark said, the runner's balance, fitness and reaction times. Definitely not worth getting injured just to be able to say 'I ran on snow'.
That said, if you find some snow that seems ok, and your footwear is ok, and you feel up to it - it is very satisfying when it all fits together. I'm quite sure that walking boots are not recommended for running in snow, but they did the job for me today. (It was very cautious and slow!)
I had a little run on some snow (in a field) at the weekend and it was quite fun. The biggest worry though is that you can't see the potholes and tussocks the snow might be hiding, and it's not worth risking a twisted ankle for.
If it make you feel better I haven't run since last Thursday much as I'm itching to get out sheet ice seems a good enough reason to give it a miss. Whilst I'm working towards my first 10k run its only a bit of fun Personally I'd rather play it safe than take (in my opinion) unnecessary risks
Made it out today - some packed snow underfoot (on well trodden tow path) so took a little bit more concentration than normal (good for my core I thought!). It was glorious - air felt really fresh even in central London and I felt I could run on and on (but stopped after 30 mins nevertheless), Had trail running shoes but still had to be careful where I put my feet.