I am now in to week 8, and I found the first run quite gruelling. For some reason now when In start off my legs feel like lead. Keeping going towards the end was hard, especially on the slight inclines. I envy the people who say it gets easier, and that the aches and pains go away. Hopefully I'll get through this one day in the not too distant future. I plan to do the park run at the end of week 9, but I'm not looking forward to being seriously embarassed by the time it takes.
Why doesn't it get any easier?: I am now in to... - Couch to 5K
Why doesn't it get any easier?

It really will get easier eventually, please have faith. I spent months worrying that I'd never be able to run without serious breathing problems in the first ten minutes, and now its worked itself out. Getting fit take time, although if you think of how far you've come already you must be suprised and pleased. I hope to read in the future how you look back at this stage and can comment on how things used to be. And don't be embarassed bu the time - you're up and running, not sitting on the couch!

It does get easire believe me. For me it happened in Week 8 funny enough -- in fact on the last run of week 8, it all suddenly clicked. After that it was plain sailing! Of course you get the odd bad run, but keep at it, I promise it will get easier. If I can do it, anyone can!

I still get heavy legs when I start out and think 'oh no I'll never get through this' but now I find that at about 20 minutes I am flying and don't want to stop. You'll get there.

I get lead legs from time to time on my runs at the beginning of the run. Aches and pains, come and go all the time. But it will get easier, just have faith in yourself.

I agree with all the above. Like anything, the more you do it the easier it will be. It takes time for your body to adapt but it will all click into place soon, please believe us!

I still get lead legs and huff and puff. But sometimes, just sometimes, it all clicks. Keep going and it will happen.
My first parkrun saw me coming in at 35 minutes and 3rd to last - but I did it - and you will too.
Remember that even the most seasoned, experienced runners still have 'bad' runs. Just take each step as it comes and remember "You're stronger than you think".
Viv xx

You'll get there, don't worry. My barrier seems to come at around 10 - 12 minutes, when I don't feel I can do it any more, but I've learned now that everything will sort of ease off and by 20 minutes I'm fine again. Saying that I had an absolutely crap run this morning, but hey ho
I hope it all comes together for you in your next few runs. You're nearly there now!

It does get easier - promise! You are still building fitness and when you think about it 9 weeks to go from couch to running for 30 mins is not a very long time. I took 4 months to do C25K and have been running since last Feb and it is only recently that I do not panic in the first 5 minutes and think ' I can't do this!' 'I can't breathe', 'My legs feel too heavy to run', 'I'm not built to run' etc etc.
Nowadays I just don't listen to the gremlins, plough on and suddenly I fall into a rhythm and I'm off. I've also discovered that if I don't run I am grumpy and irritable (in fact just like I was before! ) so now I'm stuck with it. Must be all those endorphins!