Is Couch-to-5k good for weight loss? - Couch to 5K

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Is Couch-to-5k good for weight loss?

devo profile image
25 Replies

I am starting this today and was just wondering if anyone has had success with this?

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devo profile image
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25 Replies
BigEd profile image

Hi devo

running on its own isn't that effective for weight loss. You need to diet at the same time, that usually works. Having said that, i been dieting for about two months and on the third week of C25K and have only lost 4 lbs.

Esprit profile image

I've been running for 7 weeks and haven't dieted. I've dropped a dress size.

mrqwest profile image

I started C25k back in April this year, so getting on for 7 months worth of running. I've lost maybe a stone and a half since starting, but last weekend, I took 6 pairs of jeans down to the charity shop because they're all too big. Most where a 38/40" waist. The jeans I'm wearing now ar 34" and even they're starting to feel loose.

As I say to my wife, you either want to lose pounds, or you want to lose inches. Most people, when they think about it, want to lose inches, and the best way (in my opinion) to do that is through exercise.

sfb350 profile image

It can take a while for the weight loss to happen - you will tend to build muscle first and muscle weighs more than fat. On the other hand, muscle will help you burn more calories. You will notice loss of inches more than a drop on the scales - to be honest, I would avoid the scales and concentrate on the program and getting fit. You'll feel a lot better for it - look on it as a long term solution rather than a quick fix. Follow the program and, more than anything, you'll be surprised at the mental changes - you'll learn to feel more determined and positive - and these will help you make permanent improvements. Be patient and you'll achieve something far better than yo-yo dieting. Don't starve yourself, try to make healthy choices so you maintain the energy you need for the new exercise routine. Good luck :-)

devo profile image

Thank you for your answers. About four months ago I joined the local gym. I was spending about 45min on the elliptical and doing some toning exercises. I was doing good and lost about 5lbs, but as you said I did notice losing more inches than pounds. I went to the gym everyday except weekends, I guess I became very bored with it. I'm hoping that if I change up where I walk/run it will keep things more interesting.

Deryn61 profile image
Deryn61Graduate in reply to devo

And if you can do some other non impact exercise on your non running days you will see all sorts of benefits, including toning up/improved weight loss.

Deryn61 profile image

Losing weight is said to be 80% what you eat and 20% getting more active so if you do both you will see steady losses but be patient!

I think some people consciously or unconsciously eat more when they start doing exercise. This programme is amazing but it doesnt actually burn up that many calories.

As well as weighing I warmly recommend you take your hip, bust, waist, thigh and arm measurements now and every month - even if the weight loss is slower than you might wish, you will definitely see a change!

I lost 3.5 stone with Weightwatchers from August last year till I started this programme in December. I did lose another stone but have stayed more or less the same since June BUT have dropped another clothes size since then whilst eating loads so am very happy I discovered the joys of running!

Good luck x

I've just started today as I'm hoping the exercise will give my weightloss a boost. I've lost 86lbs since January using a free website called myfitnesspal. I just do old fashioned calorie counting but it really works.

hermioneinc profile image
hermioneinc in reply to

86lb! that is amazing! I'm on week 4 of this and I feel so much better for it so just keep at it!! :)

tinysuns profile image
tinysunsGraduate in reply to

I've also been using myfitnesspal (I'd really recommend it) alongside C25K and yoga twice a week and with that combo I've lost 23lbs since July. I think it's the mix of eating less and better plus much more exercise that's worked for me.

teeandtoast profile image

I've been watching what I eat through keeping a food diary and going with the swap it principle (swap big for little, unhealthy for healthy ) and have started the c25k. I'm into wk 4 of the running but started the food diary a couple of weeks before. I weigh myself twice a week but this hasn't shown huge changes. I've found the fit of my clothes and my actual measurements have been a better way to measure my success. My clothes are getting that bit looser and more comfy. I tried on a pair of jeans that used to fit me, they still dont quite fit me but they can actually do up again now!

I suspect as the people before me have said, its about watching your intake and doing the exercise! Don't fall into the trap of having a reward food (such as a chocolate bar) when you've done a run. A friend did that and put on quite a bit of weight!

But no matter what my weight does, I love how much healthier I am feeling, how strong (and puffed!) I feel when I go out for my run. Its actually really really positive!

Good luck!

in reply to teeandtoast


I think I have been guilty of the 'I have been running so deserve a treat' mentality probably why I havent lost any weight lately! however I am not doing it deliberately and it is more to do with being cheesed off with ww - vicious circle as I am not losing weight so I comfort eat but hope my exercising will burn it off which it obviously isnt!

Not sure how to get out of the rut I am in weight loss wise. I enjoy my running now I can actually run for 25 minutes non-stop (excluding last saturday which was a blip - had to stop after 15mins due to breathing difficulties due to cold weather)

sfb350 profile image
sfb350Graduate in reply to

I do think the extra exercise makes you hungrier ! Try having a drink of water before snacking, often the feeling of hunger is more to do with needing a drink so the water might take the edge off it. Keep healthy snacks readily available - when I'm being good I'll keep celery sticks and peeled carrots in the fridge so it isn't any effort at all to grab them and munch away.

Try the MyFitnessPal app - it's free and you can log your food and exercise and it tells you what your calorie allowance is for the day. You can even scan barcodes on most foods and snacks and it will record the calories etc for you.

Good luck :-)

Pearsey profile image

I haven't dieted, but have lost 12lb and dropped a dress size in 9 weeks. I do have a well balanced varied diet though, so that probably helped.

Good luck :-)

Alty63 profile image

I've lost 1st through going to the gym for the last 6 weeks. Feel fit enough now to start this programme so hopefully will help me lose more weight

mcc65 profile image

Whatever you do - AVOID THE SCALES!

I have been running for about 12 weeks now and not so much dieting as just trying to be more sensible and in the first 4 - 5 weeks I lost about 9 lbs but since then the needle on the scales hasn't moved. HOWEVER, I have noticed that my body is changing, I am getting thinner (well that is a relative term as I was quite overweight when I started) and people are commenting on how much weight I have lost. My clothes are feeling looser and some are even a size smaller.

I can feel my body changing, the other day I said to my hubby 'come here and feel my bum' I'm not sure he quite knew how to take it but I had just noticed that my bum was firm and wanted to show off :-)

Having read some of the other blogs and posts on here I know that if I persevere and keep running then eventually the scales will start to go down again, but I have started to think about this a long term project rather than a quick fix.

And the reason I say to avoid the scales, it is so frustrating to not see the needle move I have come REALLY close to throwing them out of the window ;-)

Oldgirl profile image

Hi Devo, you may not notice a difference in your weight to begin with but I would take out the tape measure and check your vitals, then again in 4 weeks, I'll bet you will be very pleased with the results but the scales may not show such a big loss as your body will be more toned.

Good luck

alliec profile image

I have to say i'm not sure i've lost any weight but i've definately lost inches.

I'm also guilty of the having a treat as i've excerised something i must do something about :-)

Fraz73 profile image

I went the tape measure route rather than the scales which can be so disheartening at times. I did start a diet in the first couple of weeks of my C25K but stopped soon after and just tried to eat a bit healthier and to cut down on portion size rather than eliminate certain things altogether. By the time I finished I had lost a total of 15 inches from my midriff, waist and hips!

redfacewoman profile image

I've so far lost two stone and it;s still coming off at about 1 -2 lbs a week i watch what i eat but think i actually eat more but just of the right stuff and my shapes is so different dropped two dress sizes - i endorce what the others say exercise alone doesn;t do the trick but coupled with sensible eating it does work - good luck

motoon profile image


I have not heard of this program but I like the sound of a program that does not just rely on diet alone for weight loss because you will be missing out on the other benefits like superior cardio vascular fitness and body conditioning. Good luck and go for it!

There are also some reviews of some great weight loss programs on this site theweightlossproductreviewb...

chusan51 profile image

nothing new to add here other than personal experience. I've lost around 18kg in 6 months but its plateau'd recently because I fell into the "it's ok to eat and drink more because I am running 20k every week." It doesnt work that way. I lost most weight intially because I cut down on the carbs and fat and then when I added the running my shape improved and some weight continued to shift - but all that only goes so far. Now I am running 3 to 4 times a week I need to get back to the healthier eating plan - it has to be a combination of the two and I cant balance lots of running with lots of eating. I also think shifting more kilo is going to be a great help in increasing my speed - surely now I have the aerobic fitness to keep running for 35 to 40 minutes, but dropping about 10 or 15 kg my speed is going to increase dramatically.

I think its about being sensible and finding what works for you.

Too_Lazy profile image

Just had to add... That my trousers nearly fell down yesterday at work!! ;-) I completely agree that it's not about the lbs on the scales, it's the change in body shape. I've only lost about 5lbs but have gone down nearly 2 dress sizes! Now... Off to buy some new work trousers!

axmxbxa profile image

jwperks profile image

I've been running for 2 weeks. It has changed my appetite. I use a cheap GPS watch and I look at how many calories I burn. It's got me thinking that when I want to eat something naughty I also think - look at how much I would have to run to burn that off!

This doesn't necessary mean I won't eat the naughty treat, but I will then be more careful at the next meal or the next day. I think that running won't be a miracle weight loss without changing a bad diet either.

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