Wow, such hard work, it just doesn't get any e... - Couch to 5K

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Wow, such hard work, it just doesn't get any easier.

stayinbed profile image
23 Replies

Well today I ran 4.97k, but it was so hard. I walked just a few paces several times, but I'm not counting them because it was a miracle that I went out at all. I ran along the canal path, which was churned up by bikes so I won't be doing that again until the next drought. I felt so tired but I'm glad I did it. Why doesn't it get any easier. I haven't been running as regularly but it's always such hard work. I've decided running isn't natural and it isn't enjoyable. I suppose I'm still waiting for the fun to kick in!!!!!! It took over 35 mins but the canal path must have slowed me down...,.that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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stayinbed profile image
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23 Replies
Gridlet profile image

Sounds like you are ding ok to me. Are you drinking enough water and eating properly? I used to get really fatigued if I hadn't drunk enough, also, if you eat too little or the wrong food, that can make it hard too!

stayinbed profile image
stayinbedGraduate in reply to Gridlet

I drink a large glass of water before I go, and I had fruit and all bran for breakfast but I wonder if I'm not eating enough protein. Oh good, now where's that cheese???

MrsDeadley profile image

It sounds like you're doing really well! I found i run easier in a group so joined a park run (google park run ) and they are great. My best time so far is 28 mins 7secs and i NEVER get near that on my own! Keep going :)

stayinbed profile image
stayinbedGraduate in reply to MrsDeadley

I've done 2 Parkruns but one knee started complaining about the speed. I'm not doing anymore until I can build my speed up....Worcester Parkrun seems quite competitive, there aren't many of us stragglers there! The 2nd time I did the Parkrun, I cut about 50 seconds of my first time and that was where my trouble started!

MrsDeadley profile image
MrsDeadleyGraduate in reply to stayinbed

Awwww thats a shame RE your knee hope it gets better soon :( the pontefract one isnt very competitive. There is even an 80 year old fella that does it every week!! Hats off to him!! I just tend to plod along till i get to the end :D

stayinbed profile image
stayinbedGraduate in reply to MrsDeadley

That's what I'd hoped to do! I didn't think I was competitive - how silly to be - but I really don't want to be miles behind, which is what I'd be if I didn't get a lick on!

Soozz profile image

Stayinbed, I really admire you for keeping going even when you're not enjoying it at the moment, and finding it a slog. I'm sure the good times will come back. I have to say I only run on days when I feel really like going at the moment, I want to run on nice autumn days rather than trail along in the dark and rain just for the sake of it. I am so I impressed with your time, I finally achieved 5 k last week but it took me a whole 48 mins to do a total of 6 k, so you are much faster than me. have you tried C25k+ Speed? It's short and to the point! Only 11 minutes of 1 minute intervals after a 5 minute run-in. Might help you to dosmething different. Keep running!

stayinbed profile image
stayinbedGraduate in reply to Soozz

Thanks for your encouragment Soozz. I'm running during the day now, I wouldn't dream of running in the dark, I'd find the only dog mess on the whole run and tread in it ): I'm not sure if I've tried C25k+Speed. I did try one of the graduate podcasts a week or 2 back but my mp3player malfuntioned soon after the first running bit started. I run too fast (well that's what I told myself but I really slap my feet down quickly, and trying to slow my pace to match the beat of the music meant that I had to hold each foot in mid-air for what seemed like ages! Then I lost the podcast twice and gave it up. I've inherited another mp3player which shows the music on screen so I'll have another go. Definitely think something different will be good. I've done a few runs with my daughter which is really good as she encourages me and tells me I can do it!!!!!

Soozz profile image
SoozzGraduate in reply to stayinbed

You CAN do it, you have already! But we all have ups and downs and I'm sure you'll feel better about it again soon. Meanwhile, good luck with the C25k+. Know what you mean about pace, I thought I was a tortoise but I find 150 - 150 bpm quite restrictive, I have to do a ridiculous skippy thing every few steps to slow down to stay with the beat. Then of course at 160 - 165 bpm I start off comfortable, but by that stage I'm getting tired and the old legs start to protest. C'est la vie, I suppose.....

stayinbed profile image
stayinbedGraduate in reply to Soozz

I've not tried the podcast yet. I'm just goiong to Googlemap and see how far I ran yesterday then I'll download one to try. I'll be skipping too. Though I have got 2 Archers omnibuses to listen so so what to choose???

vixiej profile image

well done for sticking with it. Do you think you'd enjoy it more if you had a running buddy, or as MrsDeadley suggested, a parkrun? Alternatively, is going to a gym where you can watch your favourite TV programme while you run an option? (well, if you are not enjoying it you may as well do something that is ok and still get the benefit of the exercise!).

what about joining a local team club for a sport you like, where the running you have already done will help you and you could just run once or twice a week to top up - I recently tried out for our local netball team - they do a lot of other exercises too and they run together to warm up, plus you make some new friends and you might find someone to run with, to make it more fun. I see a lot of runners in pairs, chatting while they run (how DO they do that?????)

I like the sound of C25k+ Speed, maybe that will work for you. Hope you find your running mojo - meanwhile, keep it up, any running is good for you, with or without a few walking steps in between!

stayinbed profile image
stayinbedGraduate in reply to vixiej

Thanks vixiej. I've already tried the Parkruns but hurt my knee trying to better my time. I love the thought of netball but I'd have to get to the nearest town and, with dark,cold nights approaching, I know I'm not going to want to turn out. I'm going to try the C25kSpeed (again?). I've used a gym in the past but again, I have to get to a gym. I went swimming today with a daughter and grandchildren. I might try doing that once a week - it was 2 pm, and so quiet! It was a real treat,would have been even better without the littlies though!

vitabrevis profile image

I completely understand and empathise - I've always felt the running was hard work which doesn't seem to get more enjoyable, although I do feel good afterwards, both physically and also from that feeling of smugness/achievement. There is so much talk of running being addictive, but I've yet to feel under the influence! My theory is that there are two types of people - the running addicts (perhaps susceptible to other drugs...?) and people like you and me, who would like to feel like that to help us keep going, but don't crave the running. But the feeling afterwards, and the knowing what good it is doing us, still keeps us going. Or, in my case, it would if I wasn't now pausing in week 7, while recovering from my second muscle injury...

stayinbed profile image
stayinbedGraduate in reply to vitabrevis

Sorry to hear you're suffering (even more than usual for us!) and hope your muscle's better soon. Lots of one of those smelly hot creams and rest? I amaze myself when. feeling that I'm almost at collapse point, I can rally slightly when a passer by* appears! *And how annoying is it when they're walking faster than I'm running ): I'm deffo going to carry on though. I'll be happier when I've sorted my knee out, it occasionally hurts and feel like it's going to give way. I think new trainers and a new running style should sort me out!

notbad profile image

Echoing others, you've had a few set backs recently and that can impact physically and mentally so I think all considered you're doing great. I don't know that it ever gets easier but some runs just feel better than others, call it mojo or whatever.

As Soozz says have you tried the 5k+ podcasts? Speed and Stamina I've found good, lots of tips about posture and form etc.

stayinbed profile image
stayinbedGraduate in reply to notbad

I've started to try one of the Graduate plus podcasts but my mp3player lost it so I'm going to have another go. I certainly need all the tips I can get. The mental effects are quite shocking...I may ony have been out a few minutes and my brain's screaming that I need to stop, but 20 minutes later I'm still running Hope you're doing well notbad and enjoying this crazy hobby!

notbad profile image
notbadGraduate in reply to stayinbed

Thanks Stayinbed, I'm not bad. ;-) Have had some good runs recently, experience tells me this won't last forever so I'll enjoy it while it lasts - yes, it certainly is a crazy hobby! My best to you, how lovely your daughter encourages you - I can imagine that's a real boost.

stayinbed profile image
stayinbedGraduate in reply to notbad

It is a boost but I'm afraid sometimes I think to myself 'oh just shut up, go away and let your poor mother sit on the road'!!!

notbad profile image
notbadGraduate in reply to stayinbed

LOL! :-D

swanscot profile image

Are you doing a variety of running sessions? I do the 5K+ podcasts, Speed and Stamina; as others have said, they have good tips and the music is not bad. I find them hard work, but Speed is pretty short. But the best thing about doing these, is when I run without them, to my own music choice, that run is easy! :-)

stayinbed profile image
stayinbedGraduate in reply to swanscot

I'm going to try some of the +podcasts. I also have 3 Archers omnibuses to listen to while I'm out....think it just might take my mind of the pain!

TJFlute profile image

".....but I'm glad I did it"

I wrote a blog similar to this one not that long ago after finding runs really hard and I was really fed up with the whole thing. I sense the same frustration in your blog. I agree that running faster in the parkruns could well have aggravated the knees etc. Once you're fully fit with no aching joints I suggest a regular, very slow 20 minute run (ie not worrying about speed) listening to the archers. I think you'll always be 'glad you did it'.

stayinbed profile image

That sounds like good advice TJ, I just don't want to be beaten!

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