Things I learnt at my first parkrun ... knock-... - Couch to 5K

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Things I learnt at my first parkrun ... knock-knees, snobs and shrinking violets

7 Replies

So after two successful 5k runs I figured it was time to bite the bullet and try my first parkrun this morning. These are the things that really struck me as I was running round ...

1) I am not the only knock-kneed runner out there! This may not seem like a sticking point when you have legs that go back and forth in a straight line but when you have legs that can take out a small child running past you, this can be a deal breaker for starting running!

2) Runners are not the snobbish elitist group that I thought they were before I started this programme

3) Waiting for your time is like waiting for your exam results (mine still hasn't been posted and it's killing me waiting)

4) Even if you are a social wallflower, like me, then parkrun is a very easy environment to join in with

I really enjoyed this morning and can't wait for my next one. And seeing all the kids running round has inspired my son to ask to start running as well.

7 Replies
ellerunner profile image

Brilliant! So glad you enjoyed it.

I went along to look at my local park run today. Planning to go next week for my first one.

After the runners went off I got chatting to the vounteers, they were so friendly and welcoming. The only thing putting me off is - HILLS! Oh dear, i have been running on a lovely flat track and another track with slight hills but this course has HILLS, feeling worried about it. Even the finish line is up hill!

BettyJane profile image

I plan to do my first parkrun next Saturday, luckily my local one is fairly flat. I'll be at the end of week 7, so I may well be walking some of it.

AliB1 profile image

Well done! You should sign up for text results as they come through a lot faster than on line

Oldgirl profile image

Well done FH really pleased you enjoyed your first Parkrun, so now your no longer a PR Virgin yippee ;)

>ellerunner I was like you about "ups" just a few months ago, just could not do them. So I mapped out a short lap route with 3 steep ups and downs in it and headed off to this route twice a week for 4 weeks each time doing either 2 or 3 loops. You know what, I would tackle just about any hill now, doesn't mean that I could run all the way up some of them but the point is "ups" no longer worry me. Try it and let us know how you get on, why not go and run your local Parkrun some other time and see how you cope with it. But remember its not important how long it takes, you can walk some of it if you have to, the important thing is taking part. :)

Legion profile image

Well done FrockyHorror. :) Did your lovely c25k tee get its first outing too?

in reply to Legion

I chickened out of wearing it ... I was really nervous about running and didn't want to look like an imposter!! Now that I have been and taken part I realise just how pathetic that thought train was and I will definitely wear it with pride next time :)

Legion profile image
LegionGraduate in reply to

I think I'd feel better wearing mine (have ordered it at last) as I could use it to point out that I'm still a newcomer at this running lark. ;)

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