I started C25K (the first time) on my own, then OH joined in and stopped. I prefer running on my own as you get time to clear your head and enjoy the fresh air but I do have a companion, I run with my Labrador who is handy at pulling me up big hills and keeps me motivated to the end, he even carries my water bottle when we are finished - plus it tires him out, always a bonus!! Who do you run with and why? I'm intrigued (or nosy!!).
Who do you run with & why??: I started C25K (the... - Couch to 5K
Who do you run with & why??

I started c25k with a friend who got injured early on so I went on my own for a while a loved it until I graduated and had to progress on my own steam. I failed so, hubby started going with me and he is great at pushing me to improve my distance, but, is too soft when it comes to my abuse for him choosing hilly routes
I now run with running twice a week, Parkrun occasionally on a Saturday and try to fit a long run in with hubby.
It's like running alone when I'm with the hubby as he's faster than me so he's always ahead of me

Running club* I meant to say
I run with my two yellow labs and my chunky spaniel. They love it and Jigsaw, the spaniel has lost 3kg (more than me!). I run just because I have always wanted to!
3 dogs!! I thought I was brave with one!! Do they run well? I was worried about running a lab, because o the problems the breed has with their hips, but my dog is fit and loves it so I assume it's good for him.
Womens Running this month has an interesting article about a chap who runs dogs for celebs in London and he takes five out at a time!! My labs are five years old and I was very careful with exercise until they were fully grown (about 15 months). I also run on a canal path so it is fairly flat. I asked my vet and he said as long as you build up to gradually runnng them and are careful not to run them when it is hot (he said this puts a lot of strain on their systems - other breeds positively dangerous eg boxers) it is really good for them. What I find interesting is that the mantra is that in humans exercise has little real impact on weight unless combined with diet restriction of some sort. However, Jigsaw has lost a lot of weight and he has not decreased his calorie intake - he is the sort of dog that thinks he should stock up with food before going to the loo in the garden! I am hopeful that I will follow his example ...

I started c25k alone and after week 1 a friend joined in and we both signed up for race for life. I think we got to about week 4 treadmill instead, which she really didn't stick too and then felt if she came out with me she would hold me back which was a big shame because I really miss the company.
My other half keeps saying when he looses weight he'll join me, but no luck yet & unfortunetly my work schedule has not patern to it that would really fit in with a running club! It's just me and the radio for company!
I run with my 10 year old son and my other younger son comes along on his scooter. They keep me going as I want them to be proud of me. Its great to spend time outdoors with them being active.

On my own. Like you I love having the time to myself with no-one asking for anything and no feeling that I should be doing anything else other than running. Tried running with hubby once early in the programme but had to ban him as he is so much fitter than me that it was too demoralising! Graduated last week and now thinking that I might sign up to do a parkrun but a bit nervous of what it would be like with load of other people. Think I will have to stake out the local one to see what it is like before I commit!

My two terriers!
You are brave - one dog is enough to handle for me lol!! At least the runs tire them out or do terriers have more energy than labs?

I completed c 2 5 on my own but since I graduated my husband has started running. On Mondays we run together on our slower long run so that we chat during the run, we are now up to 10k. Thursdays we run at the same time but not together as we run approx 6 K slower than the 10k but faster than 5k. Saturdays we do the same park run but not together as he runs faster than me. I find it incredible how i have 3 different speeds of running and they all seem to work. Its incredible how soon my body has learnt what i am doing.

I run by myself straight after work... It gives me time to tone down and let out my frustration so hubby doesn't get the ear bashing

Sometimes me and hubby run together, sometimes I go alone. I like both- it is good to have some time alone, with my music, and it is nice to have him to chat too.
Before I graduated I found it quite hard to run without him, so I still feel chuffed that I can do it on my own!
I tried running with my brother's border collie a while ago, but I had to bring him home again!